Thursday, December 31, 2009
Year in Review
Several things come to mind as I look back over 2009, and I would like to share them in this year's last entry...
1) God loves us so much and never keeps or uses our sins against us. Once we confess our sins, it's over. God does exactly that and remembers them no more. The only one that keeps holding on to them is Satan and he then uses them to torture us and keep our eyes on ourselves instead of where God wants them.
2) No matter how much we worry, God is always there to make sure we are never in need. It's amazing to me how many times I didn't think a need would be met, but God never failed me. When life is always at its darkest, God shines His eternal "flashlight" into it and dispels the darkness for us to see our way out.
3) Great memories are always made when a family is as close as mine. No matter if we are speeding down the road in a rented vehicle going to some unknown or known destination or donning cheerleader outfits and aprons for a marathon cook fest, we always know how to have fun together and laugh till our sides hurt.
4) And last for this entry, I honestly believe that people are becoming more dumb the more educated they become. Here are a few examples that happened while at work just for today...
People didn't understand why their packages hadn't arrived. Yes, they did order it
last Thursday, but it was Christmas Eve, nothing was shipped that day. And there
has also been a lot of snow. Weather does play a large part in the ability to ship!
One guy called us to find out tracking instead of the place where he ordered it!!
Another guy actually had the audacity to ask if I had really asked the availability on a
part he wanted when I told him it wasn't available. No, I asked about a totally different
It seems as if the days where people can actually have 1 and 1 and end up with 2 are long gone. And it drives me absolutely bonkers!
There are several more things that could be said here, but the blog would be waaaayyyy too long. So without further ado, I bid 2009 a fond farewell and wish 2010 all the best. I am sure there will be more lessons learned and more memories made. I, for one, am looking forward to all that this new year holds for me.
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Traditions 2
For this year, I chose to make 3 kinds of cookies--Cranberry-Orange Cookies, Ginger Cookies, and Creamy Cashew Cookies. Since the dough for the Ginger Cookies had to be refrigerated for a while, I made it first and then went on to the Cranberry-Orange recipe after lunch. That recipe is chock full of fruits and nuts and is a definite winner in my book. After those were baked, recipe number 3 was started and finished before moving on to the last batch of thoroughly chilled dough's time in the oven. Each step of the way, I tried to help Mikayla understand the why and how for baking and reading a recipe. In fact, come of her tasks were to run back and forth to the computer to relay the ingredients or instructions back to her uncle. She also measured ingredients, added ingredients, putting sheet pans in the oven, rolled Ginger Cookie dough into balls, and any other task that the "head chef" asked of her. Occasionally, I had a "junior" sous chef who helped with the sheet pans, but he wasn't very interested in the whole process. Besides, sometimes he makes me nervous carrying sheet pans filled with cookie dough! haha I would be having visions of dancing balls of dough instead of sugar plums.
Mikayla was with me for most of the steps but there was the occasional game of Hall Hockey with her brother or a bit of piano practice or any other thing that could possibly distract a 9-year old. Over all she did well and I hope that she was able to learn something from this venture. (I do know that she learned well not to touch a sheet pan straight out of the oven!) After all, traditions can only be continued into the next generation if they are learned from this present generation.
Until next time, anyone want a cookie?
Sunday, December 13, 2009
This past weekend was just such a weekend for my family. It started off with the annual cook/bake off at Fowler Hill. This year was a little less hectic here at the "last minute" because we had already made some of it this past summer. Since this year's theme was "Breakfast", she canned several types of jams/preserves/butters while the fruits were fresh and already had them waiting to be "wrapped". When this weekend rolled around, all that remained was baking the bread and making the pancake mix. We spent a lot of the day Saturday baking the breads and she also made some brittle. This afternoon was spent making the rest of the mix and packing all the goodies into bags for tomorrow.
In between, we went to the annual local production of Charles Dickens' A Christmas Carol. We have been going for about 15 years and wouldn't miss it for the world. It is one that will take you from outright belly laughs to tears in a few short moments and is filled with a wonderful message that never gets old or tiresome. It's always one of the highlights of our Christmas traditions.
As this season gets closer to Christmas Day, there will be several more traditions carried out in my family and I am looking forward to them. In fact, I am already looking forward to the beginning of next year's Christmas traditions! There's nothing on earth like them! So enjoy your traditions and make sure to make the most of each one every time!
Wednesday, December 9, 2009
Christmas List
One of the Christmas songs that gets a lot of airplay during the holiday season is "Grown-up Christmas List". In case you haven't heard it, here are the lyrics...
Do you remember me?
I sat upon your knee;
I wrote to you
With childhood fantasies.
Well, I'm all grown-up now,
Can you still help somehow?
I'm not a child,
But my heart still can dream.
So here's my lifelong wish,
My grown-up Christmas list.
Not for myself,
But for a world in need.
No more lives torn apart,
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.
And everyone would have a friend,
And right would always win,
And love would never end.
This is my grown-up Christmas list.
As children we believed
The grandest sight to see
Was something lovely
Wrapped beneath our tree.
Well heaven surely knows
That packages and bows
Can never heal
A hurting human soul.
No more lives torn apart,
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.
And everyone would have a friend,
And right would always win,
And love would never end.
This is my grown-up Christmas list.
What is this illusion called the innocence of youth?
Maybe only in our blind belief can we ever find the truth.
No more lives torn apart,
That wars would never start,
And time would heal all hearts.
And everyone would have a friend,
And right would always win,
And love would never end.
This is my grown-up Christmas list.
This is my grown-up Christmas list.
Some people may think of this list as a piece of fluff that was written by a person living in a fantasy world and not totally in touch with reality. But I disagree. This list provides a very powerful look into the thoughts and feelings of a truly caring person who wants nothing more than for everyone in the world to be happy, loved, and well-adjusted.
But in reality, we know that this list will not be fulfilled on this earth until the Lord Jesus Himself returns for the second time to erase all sin and the sorrows that are associated with it. Only then will "love...never end" and "a hurting human soul" will finally find comfort. Jesus' first coming was to provide the way for all humans to walk the path to heaven. His second coming will be to rid Creation once and for all of sin, death, and decay. Truly then, we can and will sing "Joy to the world! The Lord is come!"
Even so, come, Lord Jesus! Revelation 21:20
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Aliens and UFOs
1) Nowhere in the Bible does it say that God created life anywhere else. The main reason people today believe in aliens is because of evolutionary ideas running so rampant through our world. If life can evolve here, then why not anywhere else?? Well, life didn't evolve here and it certainly didn't evolve 10,000,000,000 light years away from here either.
2) If there was life on other planets, why haven't they really made contact with any of us? Surely if they are as intelligent as people think they are, they would have attempted communication way before now. Where are they? Why have they never landed?
3) After the billions spent over the years investigating all the reports of UFOs and aliens and sending signals out into space to intercept "communication" from intelligent life, not one shred of real evidence exists to support the claim.
But after I thought about all those reasons, I finally came to the conclusion that there really is intelligent life outside of this earth's physical boundaries.
Yes, Virginia. There really are aliens out there. But not like you think.
Intelligent life outside of this earth exists in the forms of angels and demons. God created them too. They are probably not what we would think of as "living" but they are nevertheless creatures of God. (Yes, God created demons but not in their present state. Demons are nothing more than fallen angels.) They have been communicating with humans for eons. Of course, most of the time, we are very unaware of such communication, but it's nevertheless very real. And they have also made several earthly landings since the beginning of time.
So after all the musings those few words brought upon my mind this week, I ended up agreeing with the original host.
Life is funny that way, isn't it?
Friday, December 4, 2009
The main action is in a restaurant where a lady is leaving with her alligator purse. Suddenly, she hears a voice behind her and, turning around, she is confronted by a live alligator that has been skinned from the neck back. The alligator is accusing the woman of taking something that didn't belong to her while the woman haughtily lets it be know that she paid a lot for her latest accoutrement. In the meantime, a man comes along to get his wife's coat when a skinned rabbit comes in shouting that the man has stolen his coat and tries to grab it from the stunned man. I don't know about you, but if some animal that had been skinned came after me, I would let it have whatever it wanted!
The point of the ad is simple to understand. Humans should never kill another living creature for clothing or accessories.
What does Kevin say about this latest scare tactic?
Has anyone ever noticed that the only killing that God has forbidden is the taking of another innocent human life. Nowhere in the Bible does He say that we are never to kill any of the creatures that live with us on this earth. In fact, God killed the first animal (Most scholars believe it was a lamb. One can't get more innocent than a little lamb!) in order to cover Adam and Eve after they had sinned in the Garden of Eden.
What does God say about our fellow creatures and our responsibility towards them? In Genesis 1:28, "God blessed them (Adam and Eve), and...said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living that moves on the earth'." (NKJV) Subdue does not mean "conquer" here nor does dominion mean "domination". Both of these words imply a loving care for the creatures where mankind studys and learns from them and then uses that knowledge to improve their lives and ours.
This twisted mindset that no animal should ever be killed or used by humans is a by product of the evolutionary ideas that have permeated our culture in the past 160 years. Instead of truly learning about the Creation, mankind has studied it through the cloudly lens of Evolution. This distorted view in turn causes us to twist other thoughts around and has lead to something akin to an animistic religion where we now worship the animals instead of the Creator of them. The only difference that I can see is that, while so-called primitive cultures worshipped creatures, they still didn't hesistate to use them for their own needs. (In fact, when the killing was finished, there was usually some kind of thanks-giving ceremony to thank the animal for being willing to sacrifice it's life for the well-being of the people. Isn't that something that is lacking in today's world?)
While we laugh and roll our eyes at PETA and its foolish ideas, they are very clever in their tactics. The will use whatever means they can to pull at our heartstrings and make us question our way of dealing with our fellow creatures. I am in no way condoning animal cruelty or the mass slaughter of animals for the sheer fun of it, but one needs to be careful that one does not become twisted in their thoughts and starts worshipping the "innocent" of creation instead of their Maker.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
T is for the time I have spent with family and friends.
H is for the health that is given without end.
A is for the air I breathe each and every day.
N is for the needs that are met all along the way.
K is for the kisses given from the ones I love.
S is for the salvation from the Almighty Lord above.
G is for the groceries that are stocked within these walls of mine.
I is for the interlude of rest from the daily grind.
V is for the victory over sin while I'm still here.
I is for the increase in knowledge every single year.
N is for the never-ending love that God showers down on me.
G is for the grace of God that allows me to live eternally.
Monday, November 23, 2009
The long-awaited email finally arrived...
I can just feel your anticipation pulsating through the air like a current of electricity...
"Tell me!! Tell me!! Tell me!!," you cry...
Here it is...
No more placing of special orders on a stock order by me or my co-worker!!!
Not only is that one less task during the course of the day, but my claim that it would never work was utterly and thoroughly vindicated! Oh the joy that coursed through my veins with the latest update on placing special orders! The total feeling of being right and it now being proven beyond a shadow of a doubt was such a happy moment in my day. Right now, my feet are doing the "Happy Dance" while I sit in the chair. (And, yes. I do understand that it's not really that important in the grand scheme of things. But, hey! Allow me my small moment in the sun! OK?)
Now that I am soaring in the air on cloud 9 or 10 or 11, I plan on enjoying this moment for as long as it will last. Because I know it won't last. Some other "sunny" proclamation will come down and burn the cloud out from underneath me, and I will plummet back to reality faster than Rachael Ray can chat.
Until then, I'll wave as I pass over.
Monday, November 16, 2009
Forgiven and Forgotten
Guess what?
I always received it.
It didn't matter if the offense was deliberate and intentional or unwitting and unintentional; I was always forgiven. It didn't matter if the offense was something that was under my control or out of my control; I was always forgiven.
Now if someone who is human and very flawed can forgive me of all my transgressions against them, how much better and certainly easier can it be for God who knows our hearts and minds (for He created us and knows our sin nature) to forgive all!
Isn't that the most wonderful news?? God continuously forgives us!
And even more wonderful is the fact that God forgets our sins. He even forgets sins we never knew we committed!! Wow! If only us humans were more that way! Many times with our own past failings, we continue to bring them up and dwell on our past sins and mistakes and even on some moments when choices were made for us that were really beyond our control.
How great is our God!!! He knows that we are sinners but still chooses to forgive and forget our sins and bring us into a closer relationship with Him.
I John 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive our sins and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Walk in Laughing
The day started off normal enough. Orders, always orders in my inbox. I was gradually placing all the orders and actually getting somewhat ahead when news came that, from now on, my co-worker and I would have to place all the special orders coming on a stock order instead of giving them to the people in Purchasing. Why? Because they want to "take Purchasing out of the loop." Now does that make sense to anyone? For sure not to me! Why would you make someone else place a special order on a stock order other than the people that place the stock orders?? Now we have additional work to add to our already growing stockpile. Not only do we have more orders to place, we also have extra steps because some vendors don't have stock orders every week and we have to keep up with the orders until there is a regular stock order. In addition, some vendors require a "hard" copy of the PO which means more walking back and forth to the scanner.
After that revelation, more small irritants piled upon each other until the reached a climax when I was told to order a part from a specific line for a customer when I was just told by someone else that we no longer order from that vendor because it's not company approved. Why in the world would we tell the customer the line was no good and then turn around and order the part? It makes no sense!! That incident was the proverbial straw on the camel's back. I had had it with all the wishy-washiness in the name of "customer service".
So I decided one thing right then and there...
No matter what the powers-that-be living in the ivory towers may say or do...
No matter that they only see the "grand view" and leave the intricate details to us little people...
No matter that they think this new system will streamline the process for the whole company but in reality only shifts the clumsiness down the line to us...
No matter the whole absurdity of it all...
Kevin will walk in laughing.
After all, it's better to laugh than cry.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Some Observations
Dear Mr. Older Man...why did you think people would want to see you parade around in the open air restaurant in nothing but sandals and Speedo bikini briefs? And what about when I spotted you across the way during the nighttime show? We are trying to eat and enjoy a wonderful form of entertainment here! I understand we are on the beach, but next time, I would suggest a T-shirt and shorts while dining or sitting in the audience. The rest of us patrons will be able to enjoy our wonderful meal and show without that feeling of eeeeeewwwwwwww sneaking up on us when we turn in your direction. Thank you.
Dear Ms. Portly Woman...did you really think that swimsuit looked good on you? I'm not trying to be mean, but honestly, the ruffles did nothing for you. And all the extra flesh leaking out of the bottom wasn't a nice sight. Unless you are on the beach, a nice sarong or other wrap would be helpful to keep the wide-eyed "did you see that" looks down to a minimum. Thank you.
Dear Ms. Greatly-endowed Woman...the next time you go for a new swimsuit, please make sure there is some extra support and more material for the upper portion of said suit. The sight of body parts hanging down that low is definitely not something I wish to see. Thank you.
Dear Mr. Stud Muffin...yes, we can all see that you spend at least 2-3 hours a day in the gym because you have no life or interests other than your studly self. But when I am trying to enjoy the beautiful view, please don't interrupt it trying to show off all your tattoos close to places that should remain covered. Dealing with your ego is enough. Thank you.
There has always been some people that don't care what they do in public, but now it seems to be more and more people that will do anything and show everything while out and about. How I wish it wasn't so!
Monday, November 2, 2009
Saving Daylight?
I know that we have been changing time for many years now. In fact, I don't remember not ever changing. The reasons I have heard was to save energy, allow people to have their later activities during daylight rather than darkness, etc. Every spring, people get excited because their days will be longer and they can get more done!
Really? Longer days? Just by moving your clock forward and adjusting the way you view time? I don't think so. Are the hours of sunlight any longer during Daylight Savings Time? No! Of course not! The time is just "rearranged" by mankind to suit their needs and reasoning. What's wrong with leaving it the way it was originally created by God? Why do we humans always feel the need to tinker with what God as done? Do we honestly think we can improve on what God has done? Unfortunately, I believe we do.
Either way, someone will be active in darkness so why not keep it the way it was created? Why do we always have to force our bodies to adjust to a time difference without the added benefit of traveling to some nice destination for a vacation? I say we quit this nonsense and leave time where time was meant to be. Noon means the sun is directly overhead, not off to the side.
Until then, my fellow Standard Daylight Timers, enjoy this brief respite from the yearly assault on our senses and brace yourself for the all-too-soon and dreaded "spring forward" change!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Chíchen Itzá
It was an all-day trip and were glad it was an air-conditioned bus. After leaving Cancún behind, we entered the state of Yucatán. The road was basically in the middle of nowhere. It was a nice change of pace from being in the city.
Our first stop was at Suytun Cenote. Cenotes are natural underground wells that are interconnected by underground rivers. The Yucatan Peninsula has no above ground rivers. The Mayans useds the cenotes for their water supply and also considered some of them to be sacred and used them for rituals at times. It was in a rural area and it was interesting to descend the steep stairs into the cool, moist air of the cenote. There were a few stalagtites and other formations. The water was clear and cool and there were even a few small fish swimming around! Some of the people went in for a dip but Noel and I didn't feel it was necessary. After a while, we loaded back into the bus and went on down the road to our next stop--souvenirs.
After we purchased all we wanted, we made a short stop in the town of Valladolid and then on to a Mayan restaurant to eat lunch. I had Mayan lime soup and cochinita pibil along with some other Mexican dishes. It was absolutely wonderful! After a few more customers were eating, a small group of Mayans performed a few dances for us with filled bottles on their heads! I have no idea how they didn't drop them! When everyone was finished eating, we loaded back into the bus and headed for Chíchen Itzá.
Upon arrival, we received our tickets and waded through the sea of locals selling their wares. I did break down and buy a hat because the sun was bearing down on us at full throttle. Our tour guide led us through the gates and started his presentation. Since everyone else in the group was a native Spanish speaker, he started speaking in Spanish. When we was finished, he then spoke only to me in English. I think he soon realized that it would take him forever, so he found an all English-speaking tour and asked if Noel and I could join it. The guide was very good and had a good sense of humor balanced with lots of information. I won't bore you with all the details of the visit, but I learned a lot about the Mayans in a short time. I knew they were a highly developed people but I never knew just how absolutely intelligent they were. Their mathematical and astronomical skills were outstanding and everything was built to perfection for them to know the signs of the seasons. The pyramid itself was absolutely amazing!
After a very nice tour, it was time to walk around and see more of the grounds and then head back to the bus. We returned to Cancún late and finished the evening at home. Saturday was our last full day there. We spent it walking around Cancún and seeing another movie. It was another nice time together even if we were hot! That night, we went out with Noel's friend and another guy to eat tacos al pastor! I absolutely love them! It was a nice evening.
What can I say? Yes, Cancún is touristy and definitely not representative of the real Mexico, but I really enjoyed my time there. I am planning on going back in the future to see everything else I missed.
¡Cuidate! Nos vemos.
Sunday, October 25, 2009
Isla Mujeres
On Thursday morning, we got up fairly early and went back to the Hotel Zone to get on the boat for Isla Mujeres. We were way early! But that's just like Noel. He prefers to get somewhere very early and wait! I'm not quite that way, but when in Rome...
Once the people let us on the boat, we were immediately served breakfast in an air-conditioned room!! Oh, the joy! It was a nice American-style breakfast with a few local Mexican touches. The first offer was a giant platter of fruits--pineapple, watermelon, honeydew, cantaloupe, and papaya--all cut and ready for the plucking. While I was trying to pluck the different fruits with the provided tongs, I tried to maintain a modicum of decorum since I was in a public place. But alas, it was not meant to be! The papaya was particularly evil that day and decided to fly out of the tongs and land on the floor of the room. Now...what should I do? Ignore it? Or should I pick it up? If so, where would I put it?? In that split second time of decision-making, I chose to ignore it. I know that probably sounds like a stereotypical Ugly American action, but I didn't know what else to do since there were no readily available trashcans. What made it even more funny was the lady at the table beside me. I was telling Noel about it and she overhead me. Her comment was, "Yes, I saw you drop it and knew how slippery it was, but when I went for some myself, I to dropped it on the floor!"
After breakfast, we went out on the upper deck and stayed there during the 30 minute trip to the island. It was so beautiful! The breeze was very nice and the view was absolutely stunning! The guides on the ferry were very funny while telling us about the park and what we could do and the times. Once we docked, we were treated to a small dolphin show and then taken by taxi to Parque Garrafón, where we spent the rest of our day.

Once we entered the park, we went straight to the snorkel gear area and were fitted with our flippers and the rest of the gear. We put our belongings in the locker and headed for the beach. We entered the reef area and put our gear on. When I entered the water, I suddenly realized one of my flippers had slipped off my feet and was sinking to the bottom. Noel asked the lifeguard to help me and he dove in and retrieved it for me. I am sure he was muttering something about "el gringo loco"! And yes, I was embarrassed!! When I put it back on my foot, I made sure it was on TIGHT! After that small delay, we started snorkeling. Of course, by now, I was a professional snorkeler and didn't have quite so many panic attacks. I was enjoying the view of the reef immensely and also enjoying just being in the water. We had limits to where we could snorkel and Noel made sure I was in the right place at all times!
After snorkeling for a while and trying unsuccessfully to get good underwater pictures, we tried the sea kayak. We made two passes along the edge and Noel decided he didn't like it. Honestly, we couldn't get a rhythm going! haha. I decided then that I had had enough water for the day. I went to rinse and dry off while Noel soaked up some solar rays on the beach. During this short time, I decided to try the zip line. All to no avail. Once I was suited up and saw how high and how far away the end was, I chickened out. Now I think back on it and regret it, but there's always a next time!
After Noel's teasing of my zip line fiasco, we went to eat lunch at a nice buffet. The breeze was blowing through the restaurant and the view where we sat overlooked the beach and ocean! WOW! After stuffing ourselves, we went to the Jardín del las Hamacas and spent the rest of the day there. It was WONDERFUL! I took a nap under the palm trees and enjoyed every minute of it. After my short nap, Noel and I sat in chairs and enjoyed our remaining time before we had to take the taxi back to the dock.
Once back at the dock, we watched the sharks while waiting for the boat to open. The trip back was equally nice and we made it back to Cancún a little after 6 PM. It was an absolutely wonderful day and I am looking forward to returning one day!
Wednesday, October 21, 2009
On Tuesday morning, we walked to the bus stop and took one to the Hotel Zone to catch the bus bound for Xcaret. We had to wait a short while, but finally we were on our way. Xcaret is an ecological park about an hour south of Cancún. Since we were visiting during the off season, our guide told us that the park has only 1000 visitors per day but during the peak season 12000 visitors attend. Wow!
After entering the gates, we started our self-guided tour of the park. The first activity we did was the boat ride. It was very nice and we were told to remain totally silent and let our senses take note of everything around us. With that admonition, I was able to notice the sunlight played on the water and luminated certain reliefs along the way. I also was able to notice many iguanas sunning on the rocks that I am sure I would have missed had I been talking. It was a lovely ride.
After we left the boat, we made our way along the trail and saw an orchid farm, some White-tailed Deer (Odocoileus virginianus) and other creatures native to the Yucatán Peninsula. Our next destination was the Underground River. It's a place where you snorkel your way from one end to the other. I was excited about it because it was my first time to snorkel. Noel was nervous because he knows I'm no Michael Phelps, but I told him to relax and just enjoy it. We had to get our snorkel gear and towels first, but it didn't take too long before we were all suited up with life jacket, flippers, mask, and tube. We were now ready to make the plunge...
The water was just a little cool and once I stepped off into the "deep", Noel went into training mode. He was showing me how to snorkel properly. I will be the first to admit that the first few times I did it, I had slight panic attacks for few moments because I kept telling myself to breathe through my mouth and not my nose, relax, make sure my mouth was closed around the tube, etc. But after a few tries, I was able to get myself under control and enjoy the moment. It was very relaxing and I was really liking snorkeling a lot. The river took us under caverns and near "ruins" and at one point, there was even a Mayan warrior watching us from the shore. We both had a very good time snorkeling our way down the river and all too soon, it came to an end and we had to return our gear, rinse off, and dry ourselves.

By this time, we were both very hungry and made our way to find the restaurant Noel wanted to try. We arrived at the restaurant seated right on the water's edge! It was a seafood buffet and we made our way around all the food eating most anything we could. It was able to try ceviche for the first time and love it!! (While at the table, I was able to make several observations about people on vacation that will be the subject of a near future entry! Stay tuned!)
After stuffing ourselves, we walked around the park seeing tapirs, spider monkeys, macaws and other parrots, and many other sights. The only animal I missed were the Jaguars (Panthera onca)! They were no where around! We also saw men playing music on glass bottles and marching dancers from the state of Michoacán.
After a full day of excitement, we went inside the show area for "Espactacular Mexico". I was very excited about this show and was really looking forward to watching it. It is a show that tells a little of the Mayan history of the area and recounts a little of the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Later, people from the different states of Mexico get to perform in song and dance their local dances. The whole show from start to end was absolutely wonderful! The highlight of the night for me was during a segment of the show where a local singer sang Mexican songs that every Mexican knows and loves. All Mexicans in the audience sang along with him and that rousing show of patriotism sent shivers up and down my spine. It was an unforgettable moment!!
The show ended all to quickly and it was time to return to the bus for the ride home. It was a long day, but a very wonderful day and one that I won't soon forget. I hope to be able to return to Xcaret again one day!!
¡Viva México!
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Jaw-dropping Excitement
So with strongly controlled emotions, we casually hurry over to the Educational Buildings, with a few stops before to make sure no one notices our eager determination. Once there, we begin to peruse the cabinets without making too much of a scene, each one looking for his or her entries. So without further ado, here is a listing of the entries...
Steve--Squash 4th place
Mikayla--Blueberry bread--3rd place
Brownies--2nd place
Divinity--Honorable Mention (What??? For the sticky blob of goo?? Surprise!!!)
Wesley failed to place this year, but he will try again for 2010.
For my entries--Sesame brittle--1st place
Apricot jam--1st place
Sweet Potato Pound Cake--Honorable Mention
Jamaican Banana Bread--3rd place
Serranos--10th place
Cowhorn peppers--4th place
Kellie--Scrapbook pages--2nd and 4th places
Blueberry muffins--Honorable Mention
Apple preserves--3rd place
Spicy plum butter--3rd place
Cran-strawberry jam--2nd place
Apple conserve--1st place and also...
Our reaction? Eyes wide opened and jaws dropped!
Never have I been so proud!!
2009 is Kellie's year! Let's all stand and cheer!!!
Thursday, October 15, 2009
We left the airport and he drove us to his home on Coatepec, which is a little over an hour away. He had a sandwich, chips, and water for me and I ate it on the way. When we arrived home, we went to his room with my bags and he told me he wanted tostadas. We went to his next door neighbor's house and she made 3 tostadas for us and we ate them around 1 AM! They were the best tostadas I have ever eaten!! After stuffing our guts, we slept soundly through the night.
Saturday morning found us sleeping in a little, but once we started moving, we went shopping at a local mall and just hung out for the rest of the day. We ended the day by watching the new Bruce Willis movie (not that good!) and eating arracheras. What a wonderfully glorious way to end a day. Arracheras are the BEST!!!
On Sunday, we went to Naolinco which is about an hours drive from Xalapa. That town makes leather goods from most any kind of leather and is a nice place to buy leather products for less. Mom told me she wanted another pocketbook, and I found one made from sheep leather for her. We also ate at our normal Naolinqueño eating place--Doña Josefinas. That places serves up a twist on a chile relleno that is excellent! The cecina is also quite tasty.
Monday was our last day in Coatepec/Xalapa. Noel packed his baggage and around noon, his dad took us to the bus station to take a shuttle to the airport. Since Noel absolutely hates to be late or in a rush, we arrived to the airport about 3 hours before our flight departed. I read a book while we waited. When the time came, we left Veracruz behind and flew to Cancún with no problems. We arrived there around 7 PM and Noel's friend picked us up at the airport. We stayed with him to save on the hotel expense. It was very nice of him to let us stay there! We settled in and went to sleep knowing that our adventure would begin the next day...
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Hitting the Ground Running
I left Cancún at 11:25 AM Sunday and flew to Miami International Airport. It was the shortest international flight I have ever made! Unfortunately, I wasn't able to see Cuba because I was on the left side of the plane! (I know that most people could care less, but I wanted to see it!!!) All I saw was blue ocean, clouds, and one lone ship.
I arrived into Miami with no problems and proceeded to make my way to Customs. For anyone who's been to Miami International Airport on an international flight, I am sure you can relate strongly to my experience! Why in the world is the re-entry/customs area so far away from where the plane unloads??? It took me a good 15 minutes to arrive to the area of re-entry and I was walking at a good clip. After being let back in the country, I walked to baggage claim to claim my luggage (I hate this part of the trip!) and waited in a long line to go through customs. There were people there from all over--Peru, Spain, Trinidad and Tobago, Cuba, and of course, Mexico. The Customs lady was genial and after making my way past her, I tried to make my way through the maze of rechecking my baggage. They have spots on the floor to follow that end up going no where! After rechecking, I went to my departure gate and read a book until the flight time. I was so thankful that I had a 2 1/2 hour layover because it took me an hour to navigate all the stops needed in order to return home.
My flight arrived in RDU at 6:35 PM and when I deplaned, I felt as if I was still in another city. The new terminal at RDU is amazing! I just kept looking and looking while walking to the other end. I couldn't believe I was in the same place where I used to work. (But then again, I guess I really wasn't at the same place!)
My family found me going down to baggage claim and followed me there. They were running a bit late and came in with arms a-waving and feet a-hustling. After what seemed an eternity waiting for the baggage, we came home and immediately began the process of making entries for the fair. My original plan was to be home be mid-afternoon to give me a little more breathing room but that wasn't meant to be. I just had to make the best of the situation at hand.
Kellie, Mom, and the twins had already started on Mikayla's blueberry bread and Wesley's chocolate pound cake. What was left for the evening was the divinity that Mikayla wanted to make. It turned into a sticky flat glob because of the weather. I didn't think we would ever get through messing with it! Isn't October supposed to be the driest month in the North Carolina calender year???? Now I remember why I don't make it often!!
I came home and unpacked after that experience. I certainly wasn't in the mood to start any of my entries so I relaxed a little and went to bed. The alarm buzzed waaaaaayyyyy too early! I proceeded to start the making of my sweet potato pound cake. It was pretty straightforward as cake recipes go and I had it in the oven in good time. The problem arose when I was getting ready for work. Where did the time go? I looked at the clock and realized it was already 7:25 and I wasn't quite ready to go! I normally leave at 7:20! I put my rear in high gear and screeched my way into work on time (OK, was a tad past 8!)
With special permission from my manager, I was able to leave early and arrived home to start the process all over again. I toasted sesame seeds, made blondies and bittersweet brownies, and then quickly swallowed come of the Colonel's chicken before heading back down to Kellie's to finish their entries.
When I arrived, I was pleasantly surprised to see that Kellie had already made her coconut-cashew brittle and it was cooling on the table. And believe me, I didn't feel like yesterday's newspaper that she had just thrown out in the trash. I was very proud!! (I told you you could do it!!!!!!!!!!!!!)
We immediately began making Mikayla's dark chocolate brownies and then moved on to Kellie's blueberry muffins and Wesley's honey muffins...all while watching Dancing with the Stars. Who knew one could keep an eye on the baking process and enjoy a good Charleston at the same time! Both muffins and the brownies turned out wonderfully. I think this will be Wesley's year to win a ribbon on his honey muffins. He has tried for 3 years and these are very tasty!
We finally left Kellie's house a little after 9 PM and returned home to start again with my entries. I make apricot nut bread and Jamaican banana bread and put them in the oven at the same time!I didn't have all night to wait for them to bake separately! While they were baking, Mom was working the clean-up crew, Dad was preparing the entry plates, and I started my sesame brittle. The syrup reached the hard crack stage before I realized it and I almost burned it, but luckily, I had everything ready and poured the hot confection out to cool on the baking sheet. By the time I took the breads out and make the topping for the banana bread, it was close to midnight! I was too pooped to pop and went to bed.
The alarm buzzed again and I was up making biscuits before getting ready for work. The kitchen looked like a storm had blown through it, but at least I was finally finished with all the entries!! Kellie breezed in on her way to school to drop off their entries and Mom and Dad took them all, including my produce entries, to the fairgrounds before noon.
I finished them on time! What a relief!
Tomorrow, I plan to start telling about my adventures in Cancún.
Stay tuned...
Thursday, October 1, 2009
I will write all about it when I return. It might take a few days because I will be busy the day I return baking and making other fair entries. Busy times...busy times!
Until then, have a blessed week!
Friday, September 25, 2009
So with much trepidation and some resignation to a fate chained to my desk while waiting for the PO to appear, I marched into the office ready to muddle through the day (definitely not conquer!) only to find out that my co-worker had a family emergency and wouldn't be in today.
What??? I will do this alone on the first day???? How will I survive? What if I just collapse into a big pile of quavering gelatin and all the orders will be covered in a cherry-flavored treat? What will happen when I get so behind, I will have started the week over?? Will I be yelled at all day by irate customers demanding answers to 6-hour old questions???
How did it go?? you ask.
Fairly smooth. No major bumps or hurdles.
So much for wishing it would collapse under the weight of itself and land in a giant heap of broken dreams and spent cash. (That was my dream so we could continue the "old" system!) There are still some minor problems. We will see how it will really work when all 11 DCs will be on the new system and we are knee-deep to a giraffe's rear end with special orders come busy season.
Updates are sure to come!
Until then, have a blessed day!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
Glorious Impossible
Impossible is defined as "incapable of being or of occurring". When something defies all human logic, we say it's impossible and could never happen because it just doesn't fit into our limited mindset. Matthew 19:26 But Jesus beheld them, and said unto them, With men this is impossible; but with God all things are possible.
To the human way of thinking, these two words would never be put together. But with God, these two words make perfect sense. He sent His Glorious Impossible into this world to deliver it from it's bondage to sin and save all souls who will believe in Him.
And why is Jesus the Glorious Impossible?
He is God incarnate. He displays all the glory of God. John 1:14 And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and truth.
He was born of a virgin. Virgin births are not possible according to human reasoning. Many still scoff at it today. But nevertheless, He entered into the world via the Virgin Mary's womb. Isaiah 7:14 Therefore the Lord Himself shall give you a sign; Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call His name Immanuel.
He heals the sick and dying with His spoken word. (Matthew 4:23-25) He walked on water. (Matthew 14:25) He mends broken spirits and hearts and makes people whole. (Psalm 147:3) He is the sole sustainer of the universe. (Colossians 1:16-17) All impossible.
He bruised and wounded and died for our sins. (Isaiah 53:3-5) He conquered death and rose again the third day. (Matthew 28:7) He ascended to Heaven and now sits at the right hand of God. (Acts 1:9) He will come again and call His saints home. ( I Thessalonians 4:16) He will conquer Satan. (Revelation 20:10) He will reign forever in Heaven. (Psalm 72:19)
Jesus Christ is the Glorious Impossible!!!
Saturday, September 12, 2009
The Heron and the Goose Part 3
I am beginning to wonder if the Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) and the Canada Goose (Branta canadensis) are "eternal enemies" like the Lion (Panthera leo) and the Spotted Hyena (Crocuta crocuta). These two African mammals are always goading each other. I remember watching a documentary several years ago entitled Eternal Enemies. The filmmakers spent several months filming a pride of lions in Botswana and discovered this animosity between these two species. The hyenas harassed the lions at a kill and at any other opportunity. The hyenas would also kill lion cubs at every opportunity and seemingly defy the pride's lead male when he scent-marked his boundaries (Normally, different species ignore each other's scent marks because they are not in competition with them). At the end of the show, a newly chosen matriarch of the local hyena clan pushes the lions to the edge. When one of the lionesses leads some of the pride out to confront the clan, one of the adult male lions, Ntwadumela (he who greets with fire), hears the noise, charges out of the bush and immediately chases down the matriarch. With a quick bite to the neck, the matriarch is dead. This confrontation wasn't about food or control of territory, but about differences between species. One species goads; the other reacts savagely. It was some very dramatic and riveting footage.
I'm not saying that the heron or the goose will ever react with such force and one of them will end up lifeless. However, every time I get the chance to witness them in the same place and am privileged to watch the behaviors between them, there seems to be a lot of animosity. Is the heron a crotchedy, old grouch? Are the geese mischievous little kids? Maybe not. But it sure makes for an entertaining lunchtime show.
Stay tuned for more in this continuing saga...
Friday, September 11, 2009
I will just do my job and not go back to the phone people for anything.
I have been in this position for 4 1/2 years. From the beginning, I have tried to make the position more streamlined and more error-free by creating helps for my co-workers, changing the way some things were done, and other ideas. They actually worked for a while. The store people were trained on what do to and how to do it. There were still the occasional "I refuse to do it myself" person, but he was few and far between.
And then along came the change.
After that, everything quickly descended into one giant quagmire no matter what I did to try to slow the process. I realize that they have a lot more phone volume to handle, but that increase in phone volume needs to correspond with a increase in accuracy and actually trying to help the customer instead of passing him off to my co-worker or myself like it was a hot potato. Their increase also means an increase in special orders and technical questions. So after fighting it since January, I decided to just remain quiet.
No more asking for clarification.
No more begging for the correct name, store number, part number, or anything else.
No more calling of a specific person with the "what have you done now" tone in my voice.
No more giving back the orders written up with incorrect information.
No more telling the phone people what they need to (and really should) remember.
What will I do? I will just do it myself. If I have questions, I will take the time to call the customer myself. It will really be a waste of my time when I could be answering legitimate questions or actually ordering a part for a customer. But be that as it may, I will do what must be done without being accused of being demanding, snide, or accusatory. I've heard enough of the complaining, the "why can't you do it" questions, and the smart comebacks.
Who knows? Maybe this strategy will work. Only after 2 1/2 days of my quietness, one of the people asked what is wrong with Kevin and why has he been so quiet lately. I didn't comment. If the pressure mounts too much and they demand an answer, I will give it to them. They won't like it, but they will get one.
Maybe, just maybe, they will get the message after all.
Monday, September 7, 2009
Utmost Arrogance
A recent article in ICR's July Acts & Facts wrote about just such arrogance. Many of today's prominent evolutionists have debated several well-educated creationists and have lost the debate. However, they still insist on following their dead-end way of thinking and even resort to name-calling and smear-tactics. Stephen Gould was a well-known evolutionists who refused several times to debate a creationist. Why? If his theory was sound, what better way to prove it by the evidence? He wrote in his last book about "the scourge of creationism" all the while including all the same old, tired arguments for evolution without offering one shred of irrefutable evidence to back his claims. Dr. Massimo Pigliucci did debate Dr. Duane Gish many times and lost each one. But instead of really trying to understand the concepts and ideas supported by overwhelming evidence, he cries over the fact that "many Americans are still enchanted with dinosaurs such as John Morris and Duane Gish of the oxymoronically named Institute for Creation Research." And Ernst Mayr declared that "every knowing person agrees that man is descended from the apes." Wow! Really? I consider myself fairly knowledgable on the subject and certainly hold to no such falsehood. Where do they come up with such "facts"? All they can come up with for "proof" is nothing more than far-fetched ideas and poppycock.
Another area in which evolutionists show their stubborn arrogance is in the area of education. Eugenie Scott, Executive Director of the National Center for Science Education, lives by her motto of "defending the teaching of evolution in public schools" and diligently strives to maintain the teaching of "evolution in the science classroom" while keeping "creationism out." She boldly tells school board members that they must totally discard any of their policies that would put a question in the minds of the students about the validity of the evolutionary theory, lends herself as an "expert" witness in court cases involving creation, and demands that all scientific insitutes actively and purposefully seek out scientists that do not hold to her idea that evolution is the gospel and get rid of them as soon as possible. Why? According to several Gallup polls, most Americans hold no candle to the ideas of Charles Darwin. Since the average American can see the giant holes in the theory, it appears to me that she's running scared. She knows that her precious theory is a leaking sponge and is desperately trying to plug the holes without examining the hard evidence.
Unfortunately, Dr. Scott and the others are just some of many such evolutionary-minded people that are actively promoting evolution as the gospel. Yes, that's right. They treat their precious theory as the gospel and seek to convert as many people as they can to their religion. Most of them claim to be atheistic; however, they, in truth, do worship their god of education and, ultimately, themselves. They believe that humans are the be-all-end-all. According to them, nothing is greater than the minds of humans and humans will be able to control all their collective destinies. How arrogantly foolish it is that they refuse to allow the reasonable comparison of scientific knowledge and let each person come up with their own conclusions to the origins of life. They know that their theory would not stand up to such scrutiny and resort to force and deceit to accomplish their goal of leaving God out of every aspect of our lives.
Saturday, September 5, 2009
"Lord," I cried, "what will You do?"
I thought He would just remove it,
But He gently led me through.
Without fire,
There's no refining.
Without pain,
no release.
Without flood,
There's no rescue.
Without testing,
no belief.
Through the fire,
Through the flood,
Through the water,
Through the blood,
Through the dry and barren places,
Through life's dense and maddening mazes,
Through the pain,
And through the glory,
Through we'll always tell the story
Of the God whose power and mercy
Will not fail to take us
Wow! What blessed thoughts!! Life is so full of aches and pains, trials and tribulations, despair, anguish, and heartache that we often times lose sight of our goal--the end of the journey. Along this journey, we will encounter many different hardships as well as many triumphs. Each one comes along for our growth and edification (Of course, how we grow depends on our attitude and reaction to our present situation.) and is used of God to shape and mold us into the image of His Son. He gently prods, coaches, carries, and encourages us along the way. Whether the end of our journey is on the other side of a present difficulty or on the other side of death, God will always guide us through.
Wherefore comfort one another with these words. I Thessalonians 4:18
Monday, August 31, 2009
Singing is a very integral part of a lot of music. There are some singers that are good and some bad while some are the absolute best and other are the absolute worst. I guess it's all subjective, but some really need to listen to themselves again before singing outside their house. I have several singers and groups that I really like to hear--Martina McBride, Linda Ronstadt, Selah, Nickel Creek, Il Divo, The Ten Tenors, Steve Green, Gaither Vocal Band, and many more. There are others I like, but I will be the first to admit that they can't sing just any kind of music. Has anyone heard the Dolly Parton/Rod Stewart duet "Baby, It's Cold Outside"? Rod needs to stick to "Maggie May". His voice was made for a rocker. Nothing more.
My absolute favorite singer is Wynonna. She can belt out a song like no other and turn around and send chills up your back with a heart-rending ballad. She can rock and she can also move one to tears just with a slight change in her voice. Her lastest CD is entitled Sing and is absolutely wonderful. In it, she covers several different songs from several different genres that have influenced her music throughout the years. All I can say is, "That girl can 'sang'!"
The title song from the CD talks about singing and how one with a singer's heart can't help but sing out on anything. Singing is their method of expression and their mode of communication.
Noise and steam.
'Neath your skin
And in your dream.
It's who you are;
It's how you feel.
A guiding star,
Your driving wheel.
(Let it take you,
Let it make you,
And never break you down.)
(Let it mold you,
Let it make you bold,
And never hold you down)
Sing, your heart out.
(Your songs of truth and pain;
All the things you can't explain.)
(The way you feel inside;
Let the music be your guide.)
Sing, your heart out.
Sing it like you hear it,
Like you have no need to fear it now.
Sing it like you know it,
Like you're not afraid to show us how.
Sing from somewhere way down deep.
Sing and make the angels weep.
Sing and open heaven's door.
Sing 'til you can't sing no more.
(Your songs of dark and light
Make your mark with all your might.)
(Your songs of hope and fear.
Sing the song that sent you here.)
Sing, your heart out.
We, as Christians, should sing our hearts out. With the Almighty God living within us, there should be a song on our hearts and in our minds at all times. Singing shows how alive we are and that the Living Savior is transforming us into His likeness. God created music and we should use it to honor and glorify Him forever.
Wednesday, August 26, 2009
Funny Words
Here we go...
That radio tower gets good conception. (Hmmm...don't you mean reception?)
What is that item used in Mexican parties? Jalapaleña (No...piñata!)
My daughter is a computer and she needs a sticker. (The embarrassed daughter was a commuter!)
The football team is playing Mongolia this weekend. (Wow! Isn't that a long way for just a football game? And I thought it was Magnolia in eastern North Carolina!)
The car has a stirning wheel. (Where is that located???)
How many orgasms did you dissect in biology in college? (Ummm...none!)
I felt like I was about to smothercate. (Do you need a doctor?? That sounds serious!)
I have arriven. (Good. I have lefted!)
I would like to thank my family for many laughs over the years. I can always count on y'all to provide me with lots of entertainment!
Until next time, keep laughing!
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Isn't that interesting? When we worry, we essentially harass and assail ourselves with thoughts and "what-ifs" that end up strangling us in our lives and cause us more problems than we had from the outset.
Over what do we worry?
We worry over health issues--unknown pains, chronic illness, possible accidents, etc.
We worry over financial matters--will there be enough to cover this month's bills?, from where will my next meal come?, will the economy ever recover?, etc.
We worry over political issues--will we ever have peace?, what will happen when such and such a bill is passed?, etc.
Why do we worry?
We worry because we do not turn our concerns over to God. We try to solve the problems ourselves instead of letting Him do it for us. Since He already knows the outcome, He knows what we will need and when we will need it.
Why do we not turn over our worries to God?
We want to maintain control. The pride in us wants to say that we solved the problem, we were able to get out of this jam in our life by our own efforts. But our own pitiful attempts fail and we begin to worry more and end up strangling the life out of us. We become more and more concerned about the problem instead of letting God use it to help us grow more into the likeness of His Son.
I am like my father. He and I have this God-given ability to not worry over much of anything. We view life with the knowledge that God is in control and that nothing will happed to us or anyone that we love without His foreknowledge of the esperience and outcome. Nothing catches God off guard. Back in May, 2005, Mom was very sick with a bacterial infection and had to stay in the hospital for three weeks. The day after we admitted her into the hospital, I had to begin my new position at work. I couldn't call in and say I can't come in because my mom is deathly ill. I was forced to be away from her. But during this very difficult time, I always had a peace that everything would be fine. There were several very scary moments when we didn't know if she would make it, but through it all, I knew that God knew the situation and was accomplishing His will through it. Thankfully, He healed her and she is still with us today.
Instead of pondering on our problems and concerns, why not turn them over to our all-knowing, loving God who will take our burdens from us and will use them to accomplish His will in our lives. We certainly will be the better for it.
When the howling storms of doubt and fear assail,
By the living Word of God I shall prevail,
Standing on the promises of God.
What have I to dread, what have I to fear,
Leaning on the everlasting arms?
I have blessed peace with my Lord so near,
Leaning on the everlasting arms.
Deuteronomy 33:27
The eternal God is thy refuge, and underneath
are the everylasting arms: and he shall thrust
out the enemy from before thee; and shall say,
Destroy them.
Hebrews 10:23
Let us hold fast the profession of our faith
without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised)
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Now don't get me wrong. I am the first to admit that I take a shower every morning. I go nowhere without doing so. But I certainly don't spend hours on end in the bathroom making sure I look like a million bucks before leaving the house. In my book, simple is better.
On the other hand, there are still people out there that need some tips on how to add a few extra steps in their daily routine. One of my grooming pet peeves is men with huge, bushy eyebrows that need a good combing. They just scream, "PLUCK ME!" Or how about a woman that wears clown makeup or a hairstyle that looks like a wig whirred in a blender before she placed it on her head? It doesn't take all that much time or money to make oneself presentable for public viewing.
Wouldn't it be nice if we could just all meet halfway? The over-doers tone it down a notch or two while the underachievers take it to the next level. I don't think that is too much to ask? Do you?
Sunday, August 16, 2009
Vacation Week
I was a very nice week. I did whatever I wanted and that mostly consisted of chatting with my friends, flying airplanes, and growing crops (the last two are games! haha). It was nice to be able to just do "nothing". I didn't answer the phone; I didn't rush out of bed and into the shower; I didn't shave regularly; I didn't wake up early. I can sum all that up in two words
Of course, the week is now over. I have been trying to come to grips with that fact all day. I guess I will just have to dive right in come 6:30 AM. The water will be cold and the fire will be hot but I must do what needs to be done.
The only thing that will keep me afloat will be my next vacation in October!!!!
Sunday, August 9, 2009
Not So Common
Will it ever return????
One of my favorite quotations (attributed to Walt Kelly) is "I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person". And I really do stick with that quote. I have little to no dealings with anyone that walks around with their head full of air. I am in constant amazement that people today really seem to not have a clue about anything! Is it because we are becoming too "educated"? Or maybe it's because we want everything "spoon-fed" to us? Or could it be that, in this world of instant everything, we have given up the need to actually think through our problems and come up with a solution?
The emphasis on more and more, and higher and higher education in this fast-paced, ever-changing world forces us to de-emphasize the basics and skip on to the more technical aspects of learning to live in this modern era. I believe there needs to be more concerted effort in learning the 1+1=2 aspect of education before moving on to the high-tech.
In my opinion, people today want to be spoon-fed their information in small, highly processed bites. They have no interest in searching for the answer nor do they want to figure it out. They want all information given to them by someone else. In fact, they are not very dissimilar from a baby that eats pureed food. They just swallow information without having to chew the facts.
And lastly and not far removed from the previous idea, people want everything NOW! No waiting or hindering them in their quest for the here and now. When a person receives everything he wants right now, he loses much from what he could have gained had he taken the longer journey to the information. One never knows what one can learn on a quest for knowledge. Not only will he learn about the information that began the search, but he will also learn facts and ideas that enrich his life, broaden his horizons, and all-in-all make him a better person. It is well worth the journey.
All of these circumstances have caused a widespread lack of common sense to befall the population. It doesn't take much effort on the part of the people to bring it back into everyday functionality, but the problem will persist as long as no one is willing to take the first step. I believe my second question can be an affirmative if we are willing to change.
Anyone ready for change?
Monday, August 3, 2009
Thinking about being in the mountains has brought these thoughts to my mind. Life is full of mountains and valleys. Most of the time, we view the mountains as being in a good place in life and the valleys as being in the depths of despair. But I think that sometimes, the mountains are the places we fear the most. These "mountains", i.e. seemingly insurmountable financial problems, grave health issues, or other such crises, loom out of nowhere and cause us to shrink back in fear from the danger and difficulty that we fear from trying to scale its heights. Climbing up such craggy pinnacles is not without unseen pitfalls and sudden peril. But I believe that God places these mountains in our life to show what He can do if we climb them with His help. We can climb these mountains knowing that God's hand is guiding us all the way and that He will never allow anything to cause us to fall. He knows our fears. He also knows what is waiting at the top and on the other side. His eternal view of our lives is from a much higher viewpoint than ours and He knows that when we look back, the mountain we have just labored to climb will look minuscule when compared to the joy unspeakable and bountiful blessings on top of the mountain.
Have you ever seen an eagle soar in the mountains? Mountains are great areas for eagles and hawks to soar effortlessly for extended periods of time. The updrafts are constantly being created by the uneven heating of the air surrounding the peaks and valleys. I often think that Isaiah either had recently watched or was watching an eagle soar with the thermals surrounding the peaks of Israel as he penned this scripture under the verbal inspiration of God...
But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength;
they shall mount up with wings as eagles;
they shall run, and not be weary;
and they shall walk, and not faint.
Isn't it wonderful to know that no matter how high the mountain, God will be with us for each precipitous step and when we reach the peak, we will soar with the eagles? What a blessed promise!
Thursday, July 30, 2009
No Sir
I prefer such words as friend, buddy, dude, or even son (most often heard from people from the Sanford area). To me, these words convey just as much respect as sir. Of course, the tone of the speaker also has a lot do to with the meaning, and one can still be disrespectful using sir.
I still use sir myself when I talk to someone of authority or someone who is a lot older than I am, but my personal preference for myself is what I would call casual. I don't like being fake or "putting on airs" and using sir in reference to me makes me feel like someone I'm not.
Does that sound crazy? Maybe so. But it's who I am.