Friday, December 4, 2009


PETA is known for it's shocking tactics and it doesn't disappoint in its latest go at it. The newest ad isn't as bold as throwing red paint or blood on people walking by in fur coats or having celebrities posing au natural letting everyone know that they would rather be naked than walk around in clothing made from animals. Rather it screams all the louder because of it's subtlety.

The main action is in a restaurant where a lady is leaving with her alligator purse. Suddenly, she hears a voice behind her and, turning around, she is confronted by a live alligator that has been skinned from the neck back. The alligator is accusing the woman of taking something that didn't belong to her while the woman haughtily lets it be know that she paid a lot for her latest accoutrement. In the meantime, a man comes along to get his wife's coat when a skinned rabbit comes in shouting that the man has stolen his coat and tries to grab it from the stunned man. I don't know about you, but if some animal that had been skinned came after me, I would let it have whatever it wanted!

The point of the ad is simple to understand. Humans should never kill another living creature for clothing or accessories.

What does Kevin say about this latest scare tactic?


Has anyone ever noticed that the only killing that God has forbidden is the taking of another innocent human life. Nowhere in the Bible does He say that we are never to kill any of the creatures that live with us on this earth. In fact, God killed the first animal (Most scholars believe it was a lamb. One can't get more innocent than a little lamb!) in order to cover Adam and Eve after they had sinned in the Garden of Eden.

What does God say about our fellow creatures and our responsibility towards them? In Genesis 1:28, "God blessed them (Adam and Eve), and...said to them, 'Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living that moves on the earth'." (NKJV) Subdue does not mean "conquer" here nor does dominion mean "domination". Both of these words imply a loving care for the creatures where mankind studys and learns from them and then uses that knowledge to improve their lives and ours.

This twisted mindset that no animal should ever be killed or used by humans is a by product of the evolutionary ideas that have permeated our culture in the past 160 years. Instead of truly learning about the Creation, mankind has studied it through the cloudly lens of Evolution. This distorted view in turn causes us to twist other thoughts around and has lead to something akin to an animistic religion where we now worship the animals instead of the Creator of them. The only difference that I can see is that, while so-called primitive cultures worshipped creatures, they still didn't hesistate to use them for their own needs. (In fact, when the killing was finished, there was usually some kind of thanks-giving ceremony to thank the animal for being willing to sacrifice it's life for the well-being of the people. Isn't that something that is lacking in today's world?)

While we laugh and roll our eyes at PETA and its foolish ideas, they are very clever in their tactics. The will use whatever means they can to pull at our heartstrings and make us question our way of dealing with our fellow creatures. I am in no way condoning animal cruelty or the mass slaughter of animals for the sheer fun of it, but one needs to be careful that one does not become twisted in their thoughts and starts worshipping the "innocent" of creation instead of their Maker.

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