Thursday, December 31, 2009

Year in Review

Well, 2009 is now in the past. It's hard to believe we are beginning a new decade! It's been a hard year in many ways, but God was always there to uphold me and my family in ways we never dreamed. Through all the economy woes, H1N1 "pandemic", wars, attempted bombings, and political unrest, God has again brought us full circle to a new year where we can see how far we have grown and how far we still need to grow.

Several things come to mind as I look back over 2009, and I would like to share them in this year's last entry...

1) God loves us so much and never keeps or uses our sins against us. Once we confess our sins, it's over. God does exactly that and remembers them no more. The only one that keeps holding on to them is Satan and he then uses them to torture us and keep our eyes on ourselves instead of where God wants them.

2) No matter how much we worry, God is always there to make sure we are never in need. It's amazing to me how many times I didn't think a need would be met, but God never failed me. When life is always at its darkest, God shines His eternal "flashlight" into it and dispels the darkness for us to see our way out.

3) Great memories are always made when a family is as close as mine. No matter if we are speeding down the road in a rented vehicle going to some unknown or known destination or donning cheerleader outfits and aprons for a marathon cook fest, we always know how to have fun together and laugh till our sides hurt.

4) And last for this entry, I honestly believe that people are becoming more dumb the more educated they become. Here are a few examples that happened while at work just for today...

People didn't understand why their packages hadn't arrived. Yes, they did order it
last Thursday, but it was Christmas Eve, nothing was shipped that day. And there
has also been a lot of snow. Weather does play a large part in the ability to ship!

One guy called us to find out tracking instead of the place where he ordered it!!

Another guy actually had the audacity to ask if I had really asked the availability on a
part he wanted when I told him it wasn't available. No, I asked about a totally different

It seems as if the days where people can actually have 1 and 1 and end up with 2 are long gone. And it drives me absolutely bonkers!

There are several more things that could be said here, but the blog would be waaaayyyy too long. So without further ado, I bid 2009 a fond farewell and wish 2010 all the best. I am sure there will be more lessons learned and more memories made. I, for one, am looking forward to all that this new year holds for me.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Here, here on all parts my dear brother. I love you much and look forward to more memories in 2010!!!