Monday, November 23, 2009


It is official as of today...

The long-awaited email finally arrived...

I can just feel your anticipation pulsating through the air like a current of electricity...

"Tell me!! Tell me!! Tell me!!," you cry...


Here it is...

No more placing of special orders on a stock order by me or my co-worker!!!


Not only is that one less task during the course of the day, but my claim that it would never work was utterly and thoroughly vindicated! Oh the joy that coursed through my veins with the latest update on placing special orders! The total feeling of being right and it now being proven beyond a shadow of a doubt was such a happy moment in my day. Right now, my feet are doing the "Happy Dance" while I sit in the chair. (And, yes. I do understand that it's not really that important in the grand scheme of things. But, hey! Allow me my small moment in the sun! OK?)

Now that I am soaring in the air on cloud 9 or 10 or 11, I plan on enjoying this moment for as long as it will last. Because I know it won't last. Some other "sunny" proclamation will come down and burn the cloud out from underneath me, and I will plummet back to reality faster than Rachael Ray can chat.

Until then, I'll wave as I pass over.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

You are a goof. lol Glad you are flying high, my brother... :)