Monday, November 2, 2009

Saving Daylight?

As we are all well aware here in the United States, this past weekend was time change back to "normal" time. All last week, I heard complaints about it because it would be dark when they left work. All I have to say is "BOO-HOO"! For me, today seemed to drag on forever. I felt as if I had been at work for 16 hours instead of 8! Allow me to give my take on this yearly change...

I know that we have been changing time for many years now. In fact, I don't remember not ever changing. The reasons I have heard was to save energy, allow people to have their later activities during daylight rather than darkness, etc. Every spring, people get excited because their days will be longer and they can get more done!

Really? Longer days? Just by moving your clock forward and adjusting the way you view time? I don't think so. Are the hours of sunlight any longer during Daylight Savings Time? No! Of course not! The time is just "rearranged" by mankind to suit their needs and reasoning. What's wrong with leaving it the way it was originally created by God? Why do we humans always feel the need to tinker with what God as done? Do we honestly think we can improve on what God has done? Unfortunately, I believe we do.

Either way, someone will be active in darkness so why not keep it the way it was created? Why do we always have to force our bodies to adjust to a time difference without the added benefit of traveling to some nice destination for a vacation? I say we quit this nonsense and leave time where time was meant to be. Noon means the sun is directly overhead, not off to the side.

Until then, my fellow Standard Daylight Timers, enjoy this brief respite from the yearly assault on our senses and brace yourself for the all-too-soon and dreaded "spring forward" change!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

LOL... only YOU, Kev... Great thoughts. :)