Wednesday, August 26, 2009

Funny Words

Today, I thought I would share some words and phrases I have heard over the years that have ranged from outright hilarious to deserving an eye-rolling, where-in-the-world-did-that-come-from look. We all should think before saying something, but what we say can make for some good laughs! Some of these are paraphrases because I can't remember the exact original.

Here we go...

That radio tower gets good conception. (Hmmm...don't you mean reception?)

What is that item used in Mexican parties? Jalapaleña (No...piñata!)

My daughter is a computer and she needs a sticker. (The embarrassed daughter was a commuter!)

The football team is playing Mongolia this weekend. (Wow! Isn't that a long way for just a football game? And I thought it was Magnolia in eastern North Carolina!)

The car has a stirning wheel. (Where is that located???)

How many orgasms did you dissect in biology in college? (Ummm...none!)

Who are with the children????? (I'm not sure, but I am sure they has everything under control :-)!)

I felt like I was about to smothercate. (Do you need a doctor?? That sounds serious!)

I have arriven. (Good. I have lefted!)

I would like to thank my family for many laughs over the years. I can always count on y'all to provide me with lots of entertainment!

Until next time, keep laughing!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

HAHHAHHAHAH!! Who are come up with those things? HHAHHAHAHAAHAHA!!! I saw myself and my father in a lot of those. That is a bit scary. ha!!!!!