Sunday, March 2, 2008

The Right Time

Well, here I am again. The weekend has come and gone and it's time to start another work week. I am not dreading it, however. I feel rested and ready to conquer all challenges that await least until tomorrow at 8 AM! HAHA!

The only thing that I was disappointed about this weekend was that I wasn't able to see Brittany come for her suet. I am pretty sure that she visited, but I wasn't there to see her. For those that don't know, Brittany is a Red-shouldered Hawk (Buteo lineatus) that lives near us and visits our deck for her daily dose of beef fat. We don't know if it's really a female but Mikayla named it and the name stuck. Occasionally another one accompanies her. His name is Bob. We went to Larry's Market today to get more suet for her. Suet is getting harder to find because most grocery stores are buying already trimmed meat so they can pay less for the meat because they would have to throw a lot of fat away with the normal cuts. But Larry's hooked us up today! We now have several quart bags of suet in our freezer for the rest of this feeding season and next year. We will see if she continues to come to her prepared table.

One thing I have been thinking on today is a statement that Pastor Chuck made in today's sermon...God put us here during this particular time in history to do the will He has planned for each of us. I am not one of those people who wishes for the past or wishes I was born in another time because I enjoy my life now, but I never really thought about my being born during this time as part of God's plan. There are several people I know that has stated that they wish they could go back to the "good old times" or that they were born in the wrong century, but God says NO! He put you here at the right time and right place for His purpose. Isn't that a wonderful thought?!!! I'm just really glad God saw fit to place me in the SOUTH! :-D

Well, that's it for this posting. I hope everyone has a good week and will not wish they were somewhere else. Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

OK.. you are talking about your sister on "wishing" she was in the past, huh????? You are right my bro... I should be thankful for how God is using me here.. IN THE SOUTH... at this time. hee hee

I am still irritated that I set up my tripod and everything and didn't get Brittany... maybe next week.