Thursday, March 20, 2008

Sweet and Salty

Well, here I am again. I know it's been a few days, but I just didn't think I had anything new to share. I guess it's that "guy thing" about not being very communicative rearing its ugly head...

I have had a busy week at work. Monday and Tuesday were both hectic, yesterday was calmly busy, and today was a mixture. I was given the "coveted" task of keying in several large orders for our newest national account. The local shops for several of our stores will be getting these orders to stock the shops with our parts. Well, when I use the word "large," I mean LARGE! They are set up on a schedule and I have already keyed six orders which has me caught up through April. Yes, I am doing the "happy dance" as I type. You should see my feet a-moving!

When I arrived home, Mom told me that Brittany has returned. Mom went to the backyard for some reason and saw a large bird take off. Brittany had been sitting on our deck umbrella and Mom had startled her when she came around the corner. Mom then went back inside to get the suet plate and Brittany took a piece before the end of the afternoon. I hope she will be around this weekend for Project Feederwatch--it's the next to last period before the season ends. And well all know that Kellie wants a picture, so please perch nicely for the camera, Brittany!

Today's title was triggered by our dessert for the evening. Mom fixed marshmallows and crackers. Now, I know some of you are saying, "What????", but let me tell you that is is goooood!!! All she does is place a large marshmallow on top of a saltine and toasts it in the oven until the marshmallow is nicely browned and gooey. The saltiness of the cracker and the sweetness of the marshmallow come together to form a wonderful, tongue-celebrating sensation! Which leads me to...

Have you ever thought about how we can also be sweet and salty? I think I am that way. I really am a sweet person but I do have salty moments. I think my saltiness comes through when I am sarcastic. I love using sarcasm at any time during the day for any number of reasons, but deep down, I am just a bowl of sugar. (Please don't turn green, Kellie!) I think the combination of the two makes me a unique "taste" experience that could be savored by friends over a lifetime. In other words, God made us all unique in His image and each contributes to His plan for his or her own "sweet/salty" life. Enjoy the flavor!

Have a blessed day, everyone!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Yeah, I almost puked at that sentimentality there, bro. lol

I know you are nothing but a bowl of sugar underneath. Some days you "talk a good talk" but you are all gooey on the insides. :) We love you that way, though.

Glad you enjoyed those marshmallows and crackers. Have I ever tasted those?????

Brittany better be ready for us this weekend. Of course, with the egg hunt in the cold it may scare her away. lol