Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Engine Blues

This week has been busy! I can tell it's that time of the year for the gearheads to rev up their internal motors and start buying parts like there's no tomorrow. And with that comes all the wonderful questions that "only Kevin" can answer from everybody and their mother, ie can we get full synthetic power steering fluid? I only want to buy two quarts even though I know it comes in a case of 12 and is a special order., why don't we have that part? our competitor has it., and lastly, when will this part be off back order? (like I am the supplier!). Of course, the list of such questions would fill a blog of it's own. Therefore, I will refrain from typing more for the sake of my sanity and your time.

Well, on the way to work yesterday, my SUV's engine started overheating. I looked down and saw that the temperature gauge was reading VERY close to the "H"! Well, being the non-mechanical person I am, I was thinking to myself WHAT DO I DO NOW???? Naturally, my dad comes to mind and I call him on his cell. He tells me to put water in the radiator. Well, that didn't set well with me. (Anything mechanical and I REALLY don't get along!) So I pulled off at a Exxon station and called for a tow truck. I waited in the cold truck until he arrived and then he took me to the garage that would fix it. Of course I was late for work! Later that morning, the service writer called me to tell me that my engine was gone. He priced one for me and I decided to go ahead with the transplant. Now I am riding a "SWEET ride"!!! A Chevy Cobalt with manual side mirrors, manual windows, and barely enough room in the back seat for a height-challenged person! But it does have a CD player!!! Hey, I have to look for a silver lining in every cloud!

It didn't make my day very happy because I certainly wasn't expecting such a large bill now, but life has a way of throwing us a curve ball and we just have to swing the bat as best we can. With God as our Manager, we can still hit such a pitch and know that He will guide us through what comes after the hit.

Anybody for some B.B. King??? LOL

Have a blessed day...

1 comment:

Kellie said...

You crack me up, Kevo... Can't wait to ride in that "sweet ride" tonight when we go to the play!!