Friday, April 4, 2008

An Uncle and his Niece

Wow! It's been a while since I posted some new thing or random thought on here! I guess it's because I have been "bummed" over not having my vehicle back as scheduled. Not that I am needing Prozac or any other medication...I'm just ready to get it back home. The rental bill is going to be larger than I had planned!

Wesley and Mikayla are spending the night here tonight. I was late leaving work and guess who greeted me when I arrived home? Mikayla. Wesley was too absorbed in his new machinery book to even acknowledge my presence until I stared at him and cleared my throat. The minute I walked in the door, Miss Chatty Kathy was on my heels telling me about something or another that was on her mind. Of course, everything at this age is sooooo dramatic. I changed clothes while Mikayla tickled the ivories a little. Once I was finished with that she proceeded to tell me more happenings and ask questions. When supper was ready, she wanted ketchup for her nuggets (Yes, ladies and gentlemen, she got the Steve-can't-eat-anything-without-a-condiment gene.), but she didn't want it in her plate because it would touch her other food. All the while, she was pushing her potato away from her nuggets. (Now I must insert a brief note here...I am exactly the same way. Unless it's supposed to be combined, don't go mixing my food!!! Each food is meant to be enjoyed for it's own uniqueness and must be savored as such. I am sooo proud that she is the same!) While she was pushing said potato, she had the brilliant idea of piling her nuggets on top of each other so she would have room for the ketchup on her plate. HAHA! After supper, she got her new camera and was showing me how to operate it. She hasn't learned how to delete the pictures and I certainly couldn't figure it out. She is more concerned with which cover she will use for the next five minute period. After all, the latest style is very important! During all of these periods of time, she was constantly talking about whatever popped into her head--Hillary Clinton, people she does not care for, etc. The whole episode made for a very interesting night.

Wesley, on the other hand, was pretty much in his own space but was able to interject a thought or two every now and then.

Our Bose system was returned this week after a third attempt at repairing it. After only 2 days, it started shutting down again as if nothing had been done to it. We called Bose again and they have decided that enough is enough and are sending us a new one free of charge and will use ours as an experiment to find out what is wrong with it. WOW!! I am glad I will finally be able to use it without wondering when the sound will go off. The regular TV sounds so one-dimensional compared to the Bose!

Well, I had better end this thing for tonight. I have to work tomorrow for some odd reason. I was asked to come in to help finish getting ready for next week's audit. I have no idea what I will be doing. I hope it won't be all day!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Awww! Sounds like y'all had a great time tonight. I am sure Mikayla verbalized much. Wesley will just verbalize later... like 10 years from now. hee hee

GREAT news on the Bose!!!!