Sunday, April 13, 2008

The Light at the End????

Yes, it's true, folks. The vehicle is still being repaired. It's been one thing after another. First, of course, it was the motor. While getting it put in, the oil pump strainer failed to arrive with the engine, a new key had to be made for some internal part, the engine wouldn't work properly, the radiator started leaking, and the oxygen sensor broke in two pieces. Needless to say, this one week fix has turned into a three week nightmare. My rental car bill has climbed "up, up, and away" and it's not in a beautiful balloon! Tomorrow will be 3 weeks that it's been in the shop...Dare I hope? Is that a light at yon tunnel end? Stay tuned for another exciting episode in the continuing saga...

Well, we passed the audit with a 95!!!!! Wow!!! That is the best we have done for at least the past 7 years! I think it was the change in leadership that did the trick. Not that the previous manager wasn't nice, but he really wasn't the leader we needed. If we continue at the pace we are going and achieve "DC of the Year", there will be a $500 bonus for all workers! Can we say repair bill payment??? Yes, I think we can.

This past week was also interesting for another reason. On Monday, I placed an order for an engine for one of the stores. I found out on Thursday that I had ordered it for the wrong store! Now for every order that is placed on a particular day, I send a confirmation of it to the store. Therefore, the wrong store received a confirmation sheet and the correct store did not. Did either of those two call me on Tuesday morning to rectify this mistake???? NO!!! Why??? Because they don't take the time to LOOK FOR THE CONFIRMATION SHEETS!!!!!! All of the calls and back-and-forth would have been avoided if they had followed my instructions. (Yes, I have already sent memos to every store--no excuses!) When I explained this little solution to the right store, the person said, "Oh, I didn't know we received them. No one has ever told me about it." (My paraphrase.) After that statement, she received my lecture. I was nice but inside I was a bit ticked off because of all the headache. Granted, I did make a mistake and I am not shirking my responsibility in it, but it was compounded by their lack of communication and failure to follow through with a very simple task. Whew! It felt good to let that out!

Brittany hasn't been seen for a few days. I guess she figured it was time for her to hunt mice since the "fly-through" was closed for the season! Or she could be nesting? Who knows? Molly and Rolly are still coming for visits. They are the two Canada Geese (Branta canadensis) that have taken up residence. Mom named them! Of course, there isn't any seed for them to consume. I guess old habits are hard to break. It's fun to watch Rolly act as Molly's guardian while she grazes. She must be quite the goose because he is constantly taking a "gander" at the surrounding area!

Well, I guess that is all for this posting. I hope everyone has a blessed day!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

"Molly" and "Rolly"... That is so Mom. lol

So glad to hear your audit did well. Did you tell me that in person??? No. That is OK, I'll work through the lack of communication with my own brother through therapy or something. he hee

Hope you get your vehicle today. I am tired of seeing you in that small white car. HA!!!!!!