Monday, May 31, 2010


Here's the much anticipated answers for last week's after school pop quiz. How did you do? Will the scores be high? Or will the teacher have to grade on a curve? I am anxious to see how everyone did!

So here they are...

1) The sport is boxing. (I'll admit that I didn't get it correct. But then again, I'm not into sports that much!)

2) The American landmark is Niagara Falls. (A nameless someone should have gotten that one right!)

3) The two perennial vegetables are asparagus and rhubarb. (I get a half a point for this one.)

4) The seeds-on-the-outside fruit is a strawberry. (Uncommonly common answer, huh?)

5) The pear grew inside the bottle. They place the pear blossom in the bottle and tie it securely to the branch. The pear develops and matures inside the bottle. (Not too difficult to figure out.)

6) The dwarfs used to dwell by the river, but their population has dwindled lately. (I only came up with one.)

7) List of English punctuation: period, comma, question mark, exclamation point, quotation marks, hyphen, apostrophe, semicolon, colon, parentheses, brackets, dash, ellipsis, and braces.

8) The never processed, always served raw vegetable or fruit is: lettuce. (I guessed banana. I totally forgot about Bananas Foster!)

9) And last but not least, the "S" footwear: shoes, socks, skis, skates, snowshoes, stilts, sneakers, sandals, slippers, and stockings.

My score was about a 5. So much for common knowledge, huh?

1 comment:

Kellie said...

OK... after re-reading the original question I do see where I SHOULD have gotten Niagara. Remember, I read these on my last days of school and was not able to compute correctly.

Never would have gotten all of the punctuation marks, either.

You did not give me kudos for getting dwell and dwindle on your "dw" question. Give a girl some credit SOMEWHERE. lol