Sunday, May 9, 2010


Today is the day when, once a year, we set aside a time to celebrate all things Mother. In reality, it should be everyday of the year, but at least this makes it just a bit more special every second Sunday in May.

There are not enough adequate words to describe my mother. She is one of a kind in every which way. She's funny, loving, caring, and easy going. But she can also be stern, forceful, and can take care of business when the need arises. She is one tough cookie that I always want in my corner. She's like a sow bear with cubs...never come between her and her children or grandchildren (no matter what age they are!). You will get hurt.

My mom should be put out as the example of what a wife and mother should be. She is very supportive of and submissive to my dad yet she is no shrinking violet. When she has had enough, you will know all to well that Mom is in the house. She takes junk from no one. She is proud but humble; she works hard and has finally learned to take a little time for herself.

There is not another woman even remotely close to her that I know. She is the best lady I know and I am proud to be her son. I wouldn't change anything about her.

Happy Mother's Day to my MOTHER!

I love you!

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