Tuesday, May 25, 2010


Today, I found this little message on the Raleigh Parks and Recreation page, a very public page representing part of our city government. It is copied verbatim...

Tuesday, May 25th
Fields are being assed at this time and the playing status is uncertain, please check back for further updatesfor today.

Isn't that the most professional message you've ever seen? Come on! This note is from a government website! Does anyone proofread anymore? I do realize that one can make mistakes while typing and some errors are hard to see even after proofreading, but this one looks to me like a total lack of trying.

The same goes for emails. Run-on sentences are rampant; commas are used for periods; capitalization is hit-and-miss. As far as I'm concerned, just because something can be sent instantaneously doesn't mean that one shouldn't take the time to make sure that all grammar, spelling, and spacing are correct. After all, aren't we supposed to be a well-educated people?

Or is that a myth?

1 comment:

Kellie said...

It isa my th.