Friday, May 21, 2010


Leader: Group, we have a new member today.

Hello. My name is Kevin. And I'm an impatient driver. At least when it comes to the other drivers that are in my way.

All: Hi, Kevin!

Group leader: Welcome, Kevin! Please, tell us how you came to accept this reality in your life.

Well, this past week has solidified what I have really known all along but wanted to put the blame elsewhere.

Leader: What happened?

Well, there are several things? Should I recite them all?

Leader (looking at the clock): Well....maybe just one or two...

OK. (Taking a deep breath) Well, there were several people out for a Sunday evening cruise down a Christmas decorated subdivision street. The only problem with that was it was not Sunday, not Christmas, and they were on main roads during rush hour. (Arm movements begin in earnest) And then there was the guy that was going through downtown and when he came to the last stoplight before exiting downtown, he actually stopped when the light was still green because the timer on the pedestrian crossing was down to 5 seconds! And yes! I was behind him. Did I mention the light was still green and we could have all made it through the stoplight? And then there was the person who pulls out in front of me when I was going down the road at a nice pace and caused me to have to slow down quickly to avoid the nasty sound of crunching metal. And then there was the time that I was trying to change lanes, complete with appropriate signal, and not a soul would allow me a modicum of room in which to move my vehicle. And then there was all the traffic at the stop lights. Do all these people have to leave at the same time that I do? And then there was the...

Leader: AHEM...Well, it looks as if the time is all but over...

Oh, yes...I see that it is (looking sheepish while the others sigh deeply while looking at the walls with glassy eyes).

Leader: Thanks so much (rolling eyes) for such a riveting revelation. Group, what do you think the solution for Kevin should be?

All: Stay home.

Leader: Well, I think that is a fair resolution for your impatience. Try it for one week and come back to let us know how you fared.

Ummm...OK (staring incredulously) Thanks for your time (Mumbling on the way out of the building)

1 comment:

Kellie said...

HAHHAHHAHHA!!! You are crazy, bro.