Friday, April 30, 2010

Dental Month

The month of April seems to have been National Dental Month at work. Several people had dentist appointments and missed part of a day or a whole day depending on the situation. The most recent was mine. I just had a regular cleaning. Nothing was bad; nothing was out of place or ridden with holes. Just a normal, run-of-the-mill cleaning. I guess it's the "horse teeth" I have been blessed with. I still don't know how that moniker turned into something to be proud of, but nevertheless it is!

Most of the others were just cavities that had to be filled or refilled. One co-worker came into work looking like a twin of Governor Bev Purdue. Because of the Novocaine, her mouth was in the same posture as our illustrious governor's since she's had some sort of nip and tuck on her face. Trust me. It wasn't meant to be a compliment to the co-worker. Thankfully, her condition was temporary unlike Bev's plastic, line-in-the-sand puss.

The icing on the dental cake, however, was from another co-worker. She had been going through life for the past 3 months or so with a toothache. She kept saying she would tough it out. Well, last week, the tough left her. She didn't get any sleep that night and decided to go to the dentist to have it looked at. Come to find out, it had been somehow damaged and it needed to be pulled. So she had it pulled. Not that out of the ordinary. The next day was where the incident turned very strange. She returned to work and brought her tooth with her in an envelope!!! And then she showed it to everyone!!! An almost 50-year old woman bringing a pulled tooth into work to show her co-workers as if we had Show-n-Tell like first graders!! My boss declined her offer. I snidely glanced away. She thought it was grand! Whatever!

All in all, it was more than I could chew!

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