Saturday, June 12, 2010


This time of the year is always exciting for me. We are now just starting to get the first fruits of all the preparing of soil and planting of seeds and plants. I am always amazed at how much plant comes from such a small seed. Little by little, bit by bit, cell by cell, a beautiful, productive green plant emerges from the small capsule and is soon bearing ripe, juicy edibles for us to enjoy.

Isn't that how we should be?

John 12:24 says that "except a corn of wheat fall into the ground and die, it abideth alone: but if it die, it bringeth forth much fruit."

We are like a corn (seed or grain). When we are unsaved, we are like seeds in a bag in a dark corner. We are shriveled, useless, and will eventually rot. Once we become saved, it's like we have been lifted out of the dark, dank bag and brought into the light. But the journey doesn't end there. Once the Master Gardener has us in His hands, He plants us in His thoroughly prepared and cultivated garden. Once in the good soil, it is up to us to do our intended job. The first step must be dying to self. Just as a seed must break apart the testa and die as a seed when the moisture and temperature are at the correct levels, we must break apart our own sinful covering of selfish will and desires under the loving conditions from our Father.

Next is the growing phase. By continuing to read and study God's Word, pray, and follow His commandments, our radicle becomes firmly grounded in Him and our plumule breaks out of the fertile ground into the Light of God's continued Presence. As we continue to grow and develop, we become a beautiful plant and will bear fruit for our Gardner to use in whatever way He sees fit.

Will you die as a seed and become a fruitful vine or bush? Or will you stay in the bag in the corner? Or will you just stay as you are in the ground and never grow?

The choice is yours.

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