Monday, February 1, 2010

Southern Snow

As I mentioned here, Raleigh received measurable snow this past weekend. Several comments over these past few days have made me giggle. Of course, there were the obligatory snide remarks about the city shutting down, the roads not being scraped fast enough, and schools being closed for a "dusting" of snow. One friend even said she is amazed how the South deals with snow. It's like we sit by and watch it melt instead of removing it.

Well, honey. Yes we do!

You are in the SOUTH now, Sugar. Bless your heart, you just don't know a "thang" about how we Southerners do it 'round "hea". Most of you transplants came here to escape all things Yankee, ie snow, traffic, unfriendliness, etc. But lo and behold, what do you do when you come down here?? You try to make it just like it was back home. We were doing fine on our own before you invaded our territory and began the rescue of a people you perceived were slow, dimwitted, and out of touch with reality. Y'all marched down here in droves with all your Yankee ways of doing life and tried to reform us backward souls into the glorious being that is a Yankee.

Well, let me tell you one thing. A Yankee ain't all that!

So, yes, we will definitely sit and watch the next snow melt while our Yankee neighbors fume and fuss. My advice to all of you? Go back where you came from. We will definitely survive without you and might even be able to intelligently make it through a day without any advice, tips, or ideas from your collective northern intellect.

For all my friends from the northern areas of this vast country, please don't take offense at this posting. After all, friends are made for teasing, right? :-D

1 comment:

Kellie said...

LOL!!!!!!! I hear ya, Kev!