Monday, February 15, 2010


Sometimes I feel as if I am adrift in a sea of ignorance. No one seems to be able to figure out seemingly simple, everyday concepts without someone holding their hand and showing them each step of the way. Isn't that one of the reasons children go to school? Don't kids these days get taught basic steps and then learn how to apply those same steps in every aspect of daily life in order to be able to function in a rapidly changing world? Unfortunately, it appears as if none of this is the case.

Many times during the day I receive either a blank stare in person or a blank voice on the phone and have to "patiently" explain simple ideas such as "yes, the parts are listed in the catalog" or "did you not hear about the 4 feet of snow hence the delay for your part". I freely admit that, sometimes, my patience runs a bit thin and I supply them with an answer saturated with sarcasm. With the little amount of patience I have left, I try to educate them on something they should have either known already or been able to figure out by adding 1+1. I do have more patience with a new person because I can tell they are struggling and I remember well my first days in the business. But when someone has been there for several years (and many have been there longer than I have!), I expect the silly questions to fade into the past.

Is there any hope? Sadly, I think not. It seems that the world is destined to keep producing people that can't seem to find their way out of a wet paper bag. My only hope is to bump into someone adrift in this same sea and cling to them for dear life. After all, misery loves company!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Alas, I am seeing this with the students. They want to have their hands held for everything. Teachers are doing all they can, but it starts in the home as we both know. :)