Thursday, August 21, 2008

Remember What??

There are several times in my life when I think I am the only one that can remember anything. I do understand that life is very busy nowadays for many people and several things can inhibit one's ability to remember, but people that consistently can't remember the past five minutes of their lives need a large dose of Gingko biloba!

Several times a day, I am called upon to access my memory banks for one thing or another whether it was 10 minutes ago or two months ago. Most of the time I can recall even some of the details surrounding the event in question. But when the shoe is on the other foot, they can't even tell me if the customer that just called wants me to order or just check part availability without squinting their eyes and crinkling their noses in extreme concentration. And one can forget anything past the 10 minute mark. No amount of concentration will bring it back. When I roll my eyes or make a comment, I am "given down country" because they "can't remember everything." Funny to me how I am never to forget anything and am expected to remember happenings from months ago while they barely remember how to fill out a PO properly.

In my opinion, some of the forgetfulness that people experience on a daily basis is because they either aren't paying attention to the task at hand or they just don't care. Perhaps if half the attention that should be applied is given to the present job, remembering would come a whole lot easier.

What is the topic of this blog? ;-)

Have a blessed day!

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