Monday, August 11, 2008

Evasive Sneaking

Today was a sneaky day. Sometimes I am forced to sneak around like a lion after its prey or perform an evasive maneuver similar to a zebra being chased by said lion. People can be so nosy and questions abound some days.

Where did you go during lunch?

What did you eat?

Did you take a nap?

All of these and similar questions are frequently thrown my way. If I wanted people to know the minute details of my life, I would write a book with a ghost writer complete with pictures. In order to prevent their Pinocchio-like schnozes from poking into my business, I sometimes need to be evasive or take other drastic measures.

One of my favorite drinks is a Starbucks frappuccino. When I can't get a freshly-made one, the bottled ones are my go-to choice. (Isn't the new dark chocolate variety heavenly?) One day, I brought one to work and a co-worker noticed it. She came over and asked me if it was good. She received one of my patented that-was-a-dumb-question looks. She responded with a request for me to let her know when I opened it for my moment of escape because she wanted to try it. I thought to When it was time to pop the seal, I did so very quietly and drank it without anyone else knowing what was happening. Nothing else was mentioned about it that day. Now every time I bring one into work, I carry it in such a way that it's hidden by my hand without being too obvious. When I enter the office, I make a controlled mad dash to my cubicle to hide the booty. Sneaky.

At least once a week, I get the what-did-you-eat-for-lunch question. I do understand that it's an innocent question with no malicious prying intended. But will it really make a difference in that person's life to find out what my gastronomic intake was for that day? (Now if it was something worth mentioning like a grilled-to-perfection filet mignon or a make-your-taste-buds-dance piece of cheesecake, I would readily spout of its praises.) This kind of question demands an answer like "food." After supplying the necessary answer, I deftly maneuver the conversation to another topic or gradually make my way back to the desk. Evasive.

In short, I guess I am a private person. If I want you to know something about me, I will tell you. Pepper me with questions, and I will sneakily evade your moves. I'm not steak au poivre.

Any questions? :-)

Have a blessed day!


Kellie said...

HAHAHAAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! Yep... that is you, Kev!

Anonymous said...

Hmmm... no.