Sunday, June 1, 2008


Can I be any happier?? (Well, yes, I could if I was in Mexico with my best friend or eating a nice steak dinner, but you get my point.) The GARDEN is finally (well, almost) finished!!!! We still have to finish the borders, fill the paths with rocks, and set up the homemade cages around the boxes, but those are minor tasks that we must undertake when we have time. Mom and I planted the squash, cucumbers, and marigolds yesterday! We finished raking the last bed, covered it with landscaping fabric and poked the seeds in the ground. When we finished, I wanted to do the "Happy Dance," but was sweaty and needed to take a shower before we left for errands. On a nice surprise note, I did see an Eastern Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula getula) near the garden while finishing up. He appeared suddenly when I heard him start to move away after I got too close. I hadn't noticed him before! He looked very dull so I believe he was getting ready to shed his skin.

On another garden-related note, Molly, Rolly and friends have been checking out the garden area during their daily visits this past week. They tried the Lemon Boy tomato and two of the pepper plants. I don't think there was any permanent damage. Mom's solution was to bang two pie tins outside the door. They gave her the "You-don't-scare-me-and-I-will-not-leave" look. Well, last Thursday night, they came for another fine dining experience. Mom started with the banging pans concert while on the phone with a friend! Can you imagine what the friend was thinking? LOL Dad came to her rescue. His solution was much more dramatic. He went down the steps of the deck and started jumping/dancing while waving his arms up and down and making his version of a goose honk that sounds like Donald Duck with a sore throat. I call it his "Goose Dance." At first, the geese thought he was harmless, but he persisted and they finally took off in a flurry of feathers and honking and have not returned!! I didn't actually see this Oscar-winning performance, but was in ear-shot of the racket that was made. Maybe Dad should patent his methods??? I am sure we could make millions!!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

I like your new blog look... so you needed refreshing????

I am still laughing at Dad's "Goose Dance"... ha! I only wish I could have seen it!!!

I may need to photograph the garden as the process goes along. I may start that tonight. lol