Saturday, June 7, 2008


It's amazing to me to watch how creatures adapt to their surroundings. One example that I am currently witnessing is occurring at Lake Wheeler. During this bridge re-newing project that is being done, the workers have placed some sort of yellow, floating piece of equipment on the other side of the old bridge from where they are working. I have not been able to figure out its purpose, but then again, I don't really need to worry about it. Several times when I am crossing the lake (and depending on how late for work I am, the crossing can be at warp speed), I have noticed a Great Blue Heron (Ardea herodias) walking, stalking, or standing on the yellow flotation device in the middle of the lake. For those that aren't familiar with a Great Blue Heron's daily life, it stands in the shallows of any body of water and quietly, slowly, and deliberately stalks his prey. This particular bird adapted to the changes in its environment and now uses the flotation device to expand it's hunting grounds. It will stand for hours on the device and is now able to reach potential prey in the middle of the lake that would otherwise be too deep for it to attempt a hunt. Who says nature is dumb? If one takes a closer look at his natural surrounding, he will see all kinds of adaptations that have occurred or are occurring in response to the changing environment. Granted, not every species is capable of adapting so quickly and sometimes suffers the consequence of its rigidity, but for the most part, creatures are very adept at changing with the times.

Some people, on the other hand, seem to lack that capability. I think of myself as very adaptable like water. Water is capable of taking on any shape depending on where it finds itself and I do pretty much the same. Other people I know are always trying to make the situations change to fit their wants, wishes, or needs. Sometimes life isn't like that at all. In order to survive with your wits and sanity intact, one must "go with the flow". That's not to say that you take everything that comes your way; one must have standards and morals, but too much rigidity cause a lot of unnecessary hardships. Maybe we should all look to the natural world for some lessons in this area of our lives.

I hope everyone has a blessed day and keeps cool!!!

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