Thursday, September 23, 2010


I absolutely love the Geico commercial with the former drill sergeant working in a new career as a therapist. For those who haven't seen it or taken too much notice in it, the "patient" is on a chair whining about how the color yellow makes him sad. The "therapist" then says, "You know what makes me sad? You do!" He then proceeds to tell him that they should proceed over to "Namby-pamby land" to find some self-confidence for him and calls him a "Jackwagon". After those loving words of support, he then throws a box of tissues at him while calling him a "Crybaby".

This commercial is me up one side and down the other. I, of course, mean the former drill sergeant turned therapist. I have the same feelings about most of the whining that goes on today. People just need to grow up. After all the drama of the teen years, one would think that people would learn that life will not always go their way. Yes, there will be hard times and unfair times and times when you wished you were dead, but when one starts wallowing in self-pity and despair and whines, cries, and yells "woe is me" with their hand placed dramatically upon their forehead, it becomes more than I can take. I have compassion, but my compassion only runs so deep. When my well of compassion has been tapped dry, I tend to want to tell the individual to grow up and then avoid anymore contact with that individual.

So, remember all you whiners, make sure you keep them down to a low sound around me. Once you've exhausted my day's supply of concern for your feelings, you will be in real danger of me buying you a one-way bus ticket to Namby-pamby land. Don't expect any tissues either.

Oh, one more thing...

Call me "Sarg".

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