Saturday, January 3, 2009

Mmmm Mmmm Good

Tonight was a night out for the Franks' family. We were invited to dine in a most exclusive establishment called Chez Fowler. We were especially honored to be invited for this particular night because making her head chef debut was none other than Miss Mikayla Fowler. She was excited about her first "solo" performance and the dining hall was only open for her special guests.

Upon arrival, we were shooed into the den so as not to spoil the surprise. We didn't have to wait long before the dinner gong sounded (Kellie called us to the table) and we were treated to a most splendid setting of plates filled with Mexican omelettes, grits, and turkey bacon. The meal was rather delicious and after finishing the pleasant meal (complete with Il Divo background music no less!), we retired to the den for coffee and chocolate chess pie while watching a movie. It was a fun time had by all.

It did my heart good to see the excitement in Mikayla's eyes tonight. She was looking forward to her first meal and she did a wonderful job (with some help from her sous-chef!). I hope that she continues to want to learn the joy of cooking for others and that she will see that it offers great rewards, not only in satisifying the physical appetite, but also in giving people pleasure as they enjoy her food.

I am ready for my next invitation!!!

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

She was looking through her cookbook tonight so it won't be tooooo long... lol :)

I handled my sous-chef position with less anxiety than I handled some of my past experiences. I am really glad y'all enjoyed it (and so is Mikayla Girl!).