Monday, September 29, 2008

Start Spreadin' the News...

We're leaving tomorrow. We're gonna be a part of it. NEW YORK! NEEEW YOOOORK!! (Doesn't it make you want to kick in line like a Rockette?)

Noel and I are flying out tomorrow morning to New York City for four fabulous days. I have been twice before but never for this long. This trip will be Noel's first time there. He is very excited because he has always wanted to see The Big Apple. I originally planned this trip as a surprise for him, but he doesn't like to wait for surprises and bugged me until I told him what it was. He's so demanding!! hahaha

We will take a bus tour of Manhattan, walk through Central Park, visit the Empire State Building and Statue of Liberty, and dive into some wonderful ethnic cuisine that can only be found together in New York. The highlight of the trip will be the four Broadway shows we will attend. Tuesday evening will find us watching Mary Poppins; on Wednesday, we will see The Little Mermaid matinee and The Lion King evening performance. The last show Thursday evening will be a repeat performance of The Little Mermaid. Noel is a huge fan of the movie and wants to see the play twice while he has the opportunity. I am equally excited because I have seen a few Disney plays here in Raleigh and know how good they are.

I am sure there will be lots to tell when we return. I will do my best to take copious, detailed notes. Until I return...

Have a blessed day!

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