Friday, September 12, 2008


"Ponderables" are small thoughts that come into your head and make you go "hmmmm". Most of the time they arrive unbidden and usually don't last very long, but they do leave an impression. Today's blog contains some of my most recent ponderables...

1) With the price of gas as high as it is, why do people that live in the same house and go to the same destination at the same time drive separate cars? Why do people drive short distances that they could certainly walk without using gas? Why do people sit in their cars for lunch while the engine is running because they don't want to be too hot or too cold? Not only do these actions waste gas, but they cause these people to have to spend more money to replenish their tanks. They are usually the ones that complain the loudest and most frequent about high prices. Hmmmmm.

2) Where do people learn how to speak? I'm not referring to the many different American English accents that enrich our land but rather to how people incorrectly pronounce certain words consistantly. Following are several examples that I hear frequently...
a) "Could you be more 'pacific'?" Isn't that an ocean?
b) "Turn the 'sternin' wheel." What is 'sternin'?
c) "That's 'twicet' I've had to do that" Where did the "T" come from?
d) "Did you have to disect any 'orgasms'? Any what????
e) "He's having 'prostrate' trouble." Is that like sleep apnea?

3) Why do people that never cook nor have any desire to cook have a kitchen in their houses? Wouldn't it be cheaper just to have a small pantry and enough space for a refrigerator? Hmmmm.

There are several more that I could include, but I will save them for another entry. Until next time...

Have a blessed day!


Kellie said...

HAHAHAHAHA.... only you, Kev...

Gretchen said...

This made me laugh out loud!!!!

So true!