Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Vacation Observations

Today I will share some thoughts and ideas that occurred to me while we were traveling last week...

1) One should always make sure the GPS is programmed correctly or one will waste their time driving around Baltimore.

2) One should make sure that he knows all about the key system on the rental. It's better to be educated beforehand than to think you are locked out of your vehicle when, in fact, you have the key all along.

3) Enjoy the Delaware scenery on I95 while you doesn't last long!

4) Be prepared for toll after toll after toll after toll.

5) New York City needs to make an I95 bypass around or over the great concrete expanse...GPSs everywhere will rejoice.

6) Econolodges are not a very good place to stay, even for a single night.

7) Connecticut has a diner on every corner and all serve equally tasty food.

8) Rhode Island seems to be the hot spot for the rich and famous that want to be on the down low. A certain actor has his mansion for sale for a measly $10,000,000.00. Poor soul's taking a loss on it.

9) Two-thirds of Boston is built on landfill...nice, secure feeling when you're hurling through one of the many tunnels or are riding the subways.

10) Boston is the definitive place to be on July 4. No one celebrates it more or louder. Absolutely the best!

11) One needs to pack some numchucks or practice his karate moves to make it through the congestion and onto the free subway rides after the fireworks.

12) Women with large bags certainly know how to wield them efficiently. One needs to make sure he wears the appropriate battle gear.

13) Acadia National Park is filled with stunning scenery and breath-taking views.

14) Hot, humid air coming in close proximity to the cool waters of the North Atlantic makes for some very foggy conditions.

15) Thick fog rolling in is a wonderful sight to see.

16) There's nothing like eating a fresh lobster roll on a dock after consuming a nice cup of fresh New England clam chowder.

17) McDonald's frappés sure do make the return trip more bearable.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

AMEN to all of them! :) LOL