Friday, July 30, 2010


When I see the commercials for the A&E program Obsessed, I wonder how people can become so controlled by something that, for most people, is a seemingly innocent, mundane task. Things like washing hands, counting, checking the stove, and cleaning up are everyday jobs that most people take for granted. But for a few people these activities gradually take control of them until these people can't function in a normal setting. After a few moments of wondering, I come to the conclusion that I am not like how...

But am I?

Today, a co-worker asked me about my recycle bin and why I haven't emptied it. I told her that it was not the end of the day yet and that I always empty on the last day of the month. She then loudly proclaims that I am OCD. I laughed, but that began a trail of thought in my brain that maybe, just maybe, I have come compulsions in the infantile stages. Questions began to pepper my brain...

Do I always want my books to look as if I just bought them from the store? Yes

Do I always straighten up the paperwork at work when it gets misplaced? Yes

Do I like the forms filled out a certain way with the correct information on them? Yes

Do I ...

Then I couldn't really think of anymore that seemed borderline OCD.

With that realization, a small amount of relief flooded my brain and extinguished all the heat that the questions had produced. No, I wouldn't classify myself as OCD.

Organized? Yes

Want my possessions to remain in good condition? Yes

Want complete information available in order to understand a situation? Yes

So I guess that makes me an organized person that wants to keep his possessions looking nice and to be completely informed in all matters.

Sounds completely normal to me.


1 comment:

Kellie said...

Yeah, right. You may be in denial, but your sister has been to "OCD Anonymous" and found help. lol