Wednesday, July 16, 2008


Change. What does that word bring to mind? Most people cringe at the very thought. People, in general, seem to not like change at all. I have known a few that embrace it, but those people are rare. Change can come in two ways--planned and unplanned. Planned can include making a large purchase, switching jobs, or having a baby, while unplanned can include sudden death, war, or losing a job. However change comes our way, our attitude towards the change will make all the difference.

Planned change is easier to handle. One knows the change is coming but doesn't know the exact route the change will take. It's like taking a road trip without a map. It will usually take longer to reach the destination because of all the unknown curves and detours, but the trip itself will be worth the ride. Of course, there will be setbacks, but all-in-all, the ride will be worth it because of all of the extra enrichment it brings to one's life that would never have been possible without starting out on the journey.

Unplanned change is harder to accept than planned. No one is ever prepared for it. As Christians, we should always be at the ready because sudden change can come at anytime. Satan is always looking for a way to attack and discredit someone and God sometimes allows change to come into our lives so that we may grow to be more like His Son and learn to depend on Him for all our strength and needs. In order to resist change brought to us by Satan, we need to always keep close to God and become so intimately familiar with Him that we don't succumb to his wiles. Satan can still cause us pain, but we will not become overwhelmed if we stay close to our Savior. Change that is allowed to come our way by God is always for our benefit. He knows what we need and the change will always bring honor and glory to His name despite our attempts to resist it.

Accept change when it comes. It will not always be pleasant, but in the long run, the change will be less burdensome if we learn to embrace it more and fear it less.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Great post, bro... thanks for that today.