Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Cell Phones and Toilets

I have to comment on an experience I had today. After work, I had to use the bathroom really badly. As I walked into the men's room, I heard someone talking. One of my small pet peeves is having an in depth conversation in the bathroom. I do talk in there if there is a need, but I would prefer NOT to get into a lengthy discussion while standing at the urinal. Isn't there a better place??? I think so! Well, when I walked into the bathroom and heard this man talking, I became a bit apprehensive, but I really, really had to go so I sailed through the door like a trooper only to find no one readily visible. Come to find out the man was in a stall on a cell phone!!!! Immediately I thought, "What is he doing talking on a cell phone in a bathroom stall? Doesn't he realize there is an echo and that there isn't any privacy because of it???" What does the man do then??? He starts unrolling toilet paper!!! I was laughing inside at the insaneness of it all! What was the other person thinking? I know it was easily recognizable as to where the guy was. I wondered if he had a Bluetooth, but that thought was quickly dashed when I heard him close the phone after mercifully ending the call. He then proceeded to finish his business, and I made a beeline for the door as fast as I could before he came out of the stall. I almost ran over another guy trying to enter the bathroom as I was leaving. It was all I could do to not bust out laughing before I exited the room! Don't get me wrong. I am one that is all for embracing the latest technology, but sometimes technology needs to be put aside for a few brief moments of personal time. And I do believe that being in the bathroom counts as personal time. Isn't that why voice mail was created? Do people really think they are that important that they have to answer or make a call while on the toilet??? Whatever happened to enjoying a few moments of silence while taking care of business? Please, people, let your cell phones rest while taking care of the call of nature. It's really not hard to do. Thank you in advance.

On to other stuff...Work is slower than it should be for this time of the year because of several factors. One is gas prices. People are driving less and not spending the money on repairs that can be put off. Secondly, the weather here is still a bit unsettled. Who knew it would like the first part of April in mid-May? When the weather settles down, I am sure that the flag will drop and the race will be off like a shot. I hope I will be able to come out of my poll position with my engine running full throttle and not get smacked into the wall. How's that for an auto parts company/racing metaphor?

Well, I guess that's about it for this posting. I hope everyone has a blessed day.


Kellie said...

I shouldn't be surprised but I cannot believe you posted this! HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!! You crack me up.

Sal Cartusciello said...

Sorry, as I am just catching up on your posts.

This is #1 on the "pet peeve / are you really doing that" list. #2 is when at the hockey games, they bring their drinks in with them. Ugh!