Thursday, July 17, 2008

Being Me

Sometimes I start thinking about what makes me tick. Questions like "Am I normal?" or "Why did I do that?" scamper across my brain causing moments of reflection on my personality. As you go through life, you learn how you're supposed to be by watching how the people around you react to what you do. Most of the time that is very beneficial to society because it keeps total chaos and anarchy from occurring every day. There are times, however, when society tries to mold people into an image that it deems as appropriate because it's what they consider "normal." In the case of being a male, typically, and in no particular order, we are supposed to
1) be sports-crazy
2) ogle "babes"
3) be macho
4) and generally act like a fool.
If there is one thing I know for sure, I am not that man. Several things about my personality come to mind that leads me to that conclusion.

First is sports. If no more sporting events were ever played anywhere in the world, I wouldn't care. I have attended several games (and even received a bad sunburn at Yankee Stadium!) and will go again if the opportunity arises, but I can find plenty of activities to do with my time other than watching some overgrown boys playing with a stick and/or ball. Sometimes I feel like the players are very similar to a domestic dog--they may be grown physically like an adult wolf, but they still want to play all day like a puppy.

Secondly, why is it that we men are supposed to act like over-sexed teenagers when it comes to a beautiful woman? Is the overt staring, whistles, cat-calls, and comments supposed to make one feel like a man? No, I don't believe so. In fact, it appears to me that any man that acts that way is showing how much maturing he still needs to do. Would a woman want an ogler for a husband? Not at all! He should only ogle one woman and that would be his wife. There is a big difference between appreciating the beauty of a particular woman and making a spectacle of yourself. I do notice a gorgeous lady when I happen across one. And several times, I have been very nervous around them because I think to myself "What am I doing next to this beauty? Talk about a frog next to a princess!" But I don't whistle, stare or try to throw myself at her feet like some mangy dog looking for a bone. I treat them with all the respect they are due.

Thirdly, in my opinion, a macho man has way too much testosterone for his own good. Why do men always try to have the biggest gun or the fastest car or the latest gadgets or to see who can throw the ball the farthest or run the fastest? Isn't there more to life than competition? Most assuredly there is! Just because a man excels in one particular area doesn't mean that the next guy is inferior or less of a man. We are all made differently and each of us has our own special ability. Isn't it strange how some of the most macho men couldn't find themselves out of a cave with a highlighted map? I am glad that I have sense enough to add 2 and 2 to arrive at 4. You'd be surprised at the ones that get 3!!

And fourthly, foolish behavior. We all have had foolish times in our lives and I am no exception to that rule. But some men never learn. They constantly act the fool and genuinely think it's funny. Waking up with a pounding headache only to repeat the drinking binge that brought on the pain the following night. Racing in and out of traffic with the latest in speed worship with no regard for those around you. And the list could go on and on. What fun is in these things? I prefer to act with all my sanity in tact. God knows that a lot more of that is needed in this crazy world.

Finally, let me share with you where all my moments of reflection and these ramblings have led me. Psalm 139:14-15 I will praise Thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made marvelous are Thy works; and that my soul knows right well. My substance was not hid from Thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. God made me the person I am. He placed me in the loving home of my parents. Together through this "nature" and "nurture," He created a unique individual (Some people would really emphasize the word unique, but that's for their own post ;-) ) that is happy with who he is and would never want to change to be a "man" as the world defines it.

Have a blessed day!

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Yes, you are UNIQUE, my brother. he heee

I'm glad you are who you are quite special. If only you would just walk WITH the family. ha!!!!!