Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Hello again. It's hard to believe it's Wednesday! Today was a very busy day at work. One of my co-workers was off and I had to fill in for part of her job first thing this morning. Once I got that finished, I started on my work and barely came up for air. Another worker was out today as well, so that left 2 on the phones for most of the day. The only time I was able to get in the queue was during lunch. I normally work on a report I have to edit during that time, but I had to put it aside to answer the phones because of the short staff. Well, naturally, the report would be long...660 line items to be exact! It took me forever to finish it because of all the interruptions. Once I finished it, it was almost time to run it for the second time! I was glad to see the day end!

I think Brittany came today. Some of the suet was gone and we know that the Carolina Wrens (Thryothorus ludovicianus) would not grab big chunks of suet to eat. They just tear off small pieces of suet to swallow while they stand on the plate. I would love to know if she is being amorous with Bob! There is the possibility of a nest since they breed in lowland areas and we are right beside Lake Wheeler. We could possibly have hawk young later this year!

Well, I guess that's about it for this blog. Not much to rant about for today. Maybe my next posting will be rant-full! :-) I hope everyone has a blessed day.

1 comment:

Kellie said...

Yes, I am expecting a rant sometime soon... lol

I hate that Brittany comes when my tripod has not been set up. That is how my nature photography goes, it seems. lol