Thursday, August 5, 2010

Silly Laughs

Today is one of those days that I needed to laugh. Certain people that would rather pile work on someone's desk instead of doing it themselves, heat and humidity, and just the general weariness of the week caused me to feel drained today. Thankfully, a customer called to ask a question and left me laughing. So without further ado, I will share some laughs here. Enjoy!

One day, group of marine biologists were out tagging dolphins when they found themselves with a porpoise as well. Upon inspecting the animal, they noticed several tiny feet on the flippers. Concerned, they contacted the head biologist and suggested that they quickly remove them before returning the animal to the depths. The head biologist quickly replied, "No! If you did that, you would be de-feeting the porpoise!"

Did you hear about the midget wizard that escaped from prison? The BOLO stated that there was a small medium at large.

How do you keep a blond in suspense? Give her a mirror and tell her to wait for the other person to say "hello".

If a man and a woman both jumped off a 10-story building at the same time, which one would land first? The woman. The man would get lost.

What happens when frogs park illegally? They get toad.

Thanks for sharing the laughter with me today. Laughter makes me relax and takes the edge off the day. I hope this silliness helped you as well.

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